Senator Menendez on 9/11

U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) issued the following statement in commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001:
Twenty-two years ago today, nearly 3,000 Americans – including 750 from my home state of New Jersey – were senselessly killed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. As we come together to honor the lives lost, I am reminded of the cascading emotions we felt on that fateful morning. At first, it was confusion as a passenger plane crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center. It only took minutes for that confusion to turn into horror as two more planes crashed into the South Tower and Pentagon, making it clear that our country was under siege.
“Yet, despite the fear that initially gripped us and the loss we subsequently grappled with, I reflect on the resolve and uncommon heroism that was on display by Americans of all backgrounds on that day. The firefighters, police officers, EMTs and Port Authority officials who raced toward burning buildings as others fought through ash and dust toward safety. The neighbors who held vigils, volunteered their time, and donated blood all because in that moment we were Americans first. And it was in the days and weeks that ensued, at newly hallowed grounds in New York, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, where crews worked through the night to sort through rubble and recover the remains of those we lost.
“As we’ve done for the past two decades, today and every day, we honor their sacrifice and the void left behind through our enduring commitment to never forget. To “Never Forget” continues to be our solemn duty. But to me, a grateful nation does not just utter the words “Never Forget” once a year. Rather, a grateful nation embodies them every day. We embody these words by never wavering from our commitment to take care of the survivors, and the first responders and volunteers who ran towards danger as part of the rescue efforts. And we embody this solemn duty by ensuring victims and families can seek justice from those accused of aiding and abetting the planning and execution of the attacks.
“So today, we come together around the common threads that bound us twenty-two years ago. But we must also ensure moving froward that we continue to invest in the best ideals of America. That every day, we wake up with the same sense of duty and responsibility to one another. To honor those we lost, we must be present in the bright lights of public ceremonies and in the quiet moments of private aching that so often surrounds this solemn date. This will always be my north star as we work to deliver justice and fairness to all the survivors, first responders, and families affected on that fateful day.”
Menendez never misses a photo opportunity. Yet he is part of the liberal establishment that has allowed some eight million illegals into the country for the past few years. These people are undocumented (entering illegally), not medically examined for any communicable diseases, many are gang members and some are most likely on terrorist watch lists. That is a fact. Thank you Mr. Menendez. Another 9/11/01 is likely to occur some day soon thanks to you and many others with your misguided policies.