Senator Steve Sweeney Discusses Plans To Make New Jersey More Affordable On State Of Affairs

Steve Adubato is joined by Senator Steve Sweeney (D) - NJ, Former Senate President, to discuss “Democracy at a Crossroads,” his plans to help make New Jersey more affordable, the biggest issues with the 2021 election, and the importance of high quality, affordable childcare for the state’s economy.

Steve Adubato asks Senator Sweeney what he means when he says, “I’m not done.” Senator Sweeney answers, “Continuing to make New Jersey a better place. There’s a lot of work to be done, but you know we’ve accomplished a whole lot. It’s not just me as an individual but as legislators. We saved the pension fund from going bankrupt.” He also says, “Negotiating healthcare changes with the teacher’s union who tried to defeat me four years prior, on how to save a billion dollars, that’s big stuff.”

Regarding affordable quality childcare in New Jersey, Sen. Sweeney says, “Parents can’t go to work if they have to sit home with their children. We have to invest in childcare to make it affordable.”

Previous comments for: Senator Steve Sweeney Discusses Plans To Make New Jersey More Affordable On State Of Affairs

  1. Concerned citizen says:

    I watch your show because I find it to be fair and balanced but I myself as an immigrant to this Country from 30 years ago have seen the media choose sides over the years,I find that they all made a huge huge thing out of Jan 6th but ignored all the terrible events and attacks on regular people during the so called protests Democrats backed them up and in fact also encited it to continue but meanwhile because Trump one person cheered on capitol hill protesters it's an issue but when the liberals and Democrats urged on the protecting that burnt and destroyed properly and people's lives no media brought attention to it gave it five minutes and then dropped it but because Jan 6,was associated to the republicans it's still a conversation. Its not Trump's fault that they lackef security at the capital that day infact the discussion should have been if these protesters did that can you imagine what a real armed group could get away with ...that to me should have been and should be how anyone got inside ...forget about Trump seems the Democratic party think he's the glue to the Republicans but he's not .As an immigrant when I became a citizen so I could vote I though I would align with the demo party but I watched what went on during the clinton era and realized it's not controlled by liberals and the California mentality hollywood lifestyles and the rest of us do not live that fake world so zi choose the Republicans and so far I am content...I did not care for Trump as a person but as a president I lived him he told us the truth he kept the whole country financially strong ..the world respected him yet the main media hated on him everyday then they got control with the excuse of a president we have now he's embarrassing yet no media points it's as if we watch Pelosi and Biden destroy our Country yet all they can do is speak about Trump .He's old new deal with today's and current issues who's fault is that??? Not Trump but the current administration and we the people can't afford them for gods sake speak the current truth

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