Sherrill and Malinowski on the New Trump Era: 'Be Unafraid. Be Very Unafraid.'

Donald Trump wants his opponents to be afraid.


That was the message presented Thursday by former CD-7 congressman Tom Malinowski, who joined current CD-11 Rep. Mikie Sherrill, for a sort of Facebook-live resistance chat.
Malinowski, who now chairs the Hunterdon County Democratic Committee, said he understands the anxiety among Trump critics. But he warned against feeling helpless or "paralyzed."

Democrats have to fight back.

Sherrill and Malinowski said that, generally speaking, the fight will be on two fronts - in the House and in the courts.

With a handful of GOP House members either resigning (Matt Gaetz) or joining the Trump Administration, the Republicans' margin in the House will soon be 217 to 215.

That's going to make it extremely difficult for House Republicans, who are not always together, to get things done, they said.

But how about Trump's executive orders?

That's where the courts come in.

Sherrill said opponents have had some successes, mentioning court decisions blocking a funding freeze and supporting birthright citizenship.

A few hours after the event, a court also blocked the administration's buyout plan.
The problem was easy for the Dems to illustrate.

"You have now a billionaire going after the most vulnerable communities," Sherrill said, referring to Elon Musk led attacks on Head Start, Meals on Wheels and federal health centers.

This means, they said, that there are going to be more court challengers.

Sherrill and Malinowski were linked together in 2018 when they both won traditionally-held Republican seats.

Since then, Sherrill has easily won reelection. Malinowski won again in 2020, but lost to Republican Thomas H. Kean Jr. in 2022.

Now that Trump is back and the Republicans control the House, Malinowski said he hears from people depressed about how things have turned.

He tries to combat that.

"We won (in 2018). We stopped the first Trump Administration dead in its tracks," Malinowski said.

Talk about wanting the past to be prologue.




Previous comments for: Sherrill and Malinowski on the New Trump Era: 'Be Unafraid. Be Very Unafraid.'

  1. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Michael Wackoberg needs a lesson in US Civics, law, the Constitution and history. He says the following cretinous comment: "They voted against the Laken Riley bill, but it was because the MAGA morons would not even agree to debate an amendment that would require a conviction, not just an indictment, before an undocumented person could be subject to the law. No one suggests that those convicted of violent crimes should be deported. I realize the Constitutional protection “innocent until proven guilty” is a foreign concept to you right-wing scumbags, but that’s how it is." ILLEGAL ALIENS DO NOT GET DUE PROCESS PROTECTIONS BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!!!!!! They get arrested, processed and deported for violating Federal immigration laws, or the criminal laws of the United States!!!!! Unfortunately, low information voters like Schnackenberg show us, once again, how low information and ignorant Democrats really are!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Hey, Fred, 217 and 215 is only 432. There's 435 in the House. Three (3) seats that are up for special election are all going (R). Horse-face Sherrill and Deadbeat Malinowski need to STFU. They voted 98% with Joe Biden's mentally retarded administration to promote Marxism and Tyranny in this country, e.g., LGBTQMICKEYMOUSE programs, DEI (which has now been eliminated from all government circles and is being eliminated in the corporate & academic world), stopping oil production in the U.S. while selling our reserves and current oil production to China, Russia and our enemies, gutting our military, emboldening terrorists and illegal aliens coming through our borders (see illegal aliens with "Support Biden" t-shirts), screwing the people of Maui (after the massive fire), screwing the people of NC, SC, GA and FL after the Hurricanes, and now screwing the people of L.A. before Biden Admin. left office. The only people depressed that Malinowski sees are the low information Democrats that watch such government funded (through USAID) propaganda news programs like Politico, NPR, CNN and MSNBC. As for USAID, Head Start, Meals on Wheels and federal health centers, are not being affected as Mikie Sherrill so eloquently lies about. USAID is being cut off for blowing our tax monies on foreign countries and our enemies; and not AMERICAN citizens!!!!!!!

  3. WNY Voter says:

    Michael S. Schnackenberg speaks the Truth while Henry distorts the Truth. You speak I’ll of George Soros ONLY because it has been drummed into your brain by your friends at Fox that his support of worthy causes is somehow unworthy in their eyes, and because your lord and master Trump speaks badly of him.

  4. SeekerOfTruth says:

    Mikie Sherrill did not receive money from Elon Musk.


    Why has Sherrill not returned the campaign donation that was given to her by Elon Musk. Any Democrat who takes money from Musk must admit their mistake. What is wrong with Sherrill?

  6. Michael F Schnackenberg says:

    Henry, you continue to show your mental retardation every time you post. They voted against the Laken Riley bill, but it was because the MAGA morons would not even agree to debate an amendment that would require a conviction, not just an indictment, before an undocumented person could be subject to the law. No one suggests that those convicted of violent crimes should be deported. I realize the Constitutional protection "innocent until proven guilty" is a foreign concept to you right-wing scumbags, but that's how it is. And on the subject of George Soros, at least he isn't supporting a traitor, unlike Elon Musk-rat, who should be sent back to South Africa.

  7. Henry says:

    These two leftists worry more about illegal invaders than they do legal citizens! If anyone should be afraid, it's those who broke out laws and came here illegally! Sherrill voted AGAINST the Laken Reiley bill! Thankfully the bill did pass which will keep woman safer! The problem that these two panderers have is 77% of Americans SUPPORT the Trump deportation program. The democrats haven't learned a thing since the election! Totally tone deaf! They are supporters of George Soros! Who has done more irrevocable damage to our country Soros or Musk? That's a no brainer; it's radical socialist Marxist and America hater Georgie Soros!

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