Sherrill and Becchi will Debate in CD-11

U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-11).

Challenge made; challenge accepted.

Now let's see how the details work out.

Rosemary Becchi, the Republican candidate in CD-11, today challenged incumbent Democrat Mikie Sherrill (pictured, above) to a series of three debates this fall.

"With record unemployment and an economy destroyed by the pandemic, too many people are staying awake at night worrying about how they are going to pay their bills and put food on the table." Becchi

[caption id="attachment_40118" align="alignright" width="211"] Becchi[/caption]

said. "This election might be the most important election of our lifetime and I believe the voters deserve to hear directly from the candidates on what they plan to do to responsibly reopen and get Jersey back to work."

A short time later the Sherrill camp accepted the offer through its campaign manager, Elizabeth Davis - complete with a political attack of sorts.

"Rep. Sherrill looks forward to debates this fall to talk about the important work she's doing in Congress to fight for New Jersey families - work for the people of the 11th District that stands in contrast to her opponent's record of lobbying for corporate clients," the statement said.

Guess we know what Sherrill's campaign is going to be about.

Some may recall that two years ago when this was an open seat, there were two debates between Sherrill and Republican candidate Jay Webber. One was held by the League of Women Voters in Wayne and the other by the historical society of Ogdensburg in Sussex County. There was also a forum at the Jewish Community Center in Whippany in which both candidates appeared back-to-back, but not together.

Obviously, things are a bit different this year, which Becchi noted. She said any debates may have to be via television or Zoom.

Previous comments for: Sherrill and Becchi will Debate in CD-11

  1. Moe Howard says:

    Carpetbagger Mikie told us she'd be independent of Nancy Pelosi. Yet, according to ProPublica, she voted with Nancy 99% of the time. And she votes with AOC and her radical squad over 90% of the time. Carpetbagger Mikie needs to go.

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