Sherrill Calls for Humanitarian 'Pause' in Gaza

Today, Representative Mikie Sherrill (D-11), a Navy veteran and member of the House Armed Services Committee, released the following statement:
“Israel has a right to defend its citizens after the terror attacks by Hamas. This started a new round of fighting that threatens the stability of the region and has already cost thousands of lives. In turn, the war has become an ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza that has threatened access to food, water, medical relief, safe havens and the lives of Palestinian civilians. As Secretary of State Blinken said, ‘[w]e don’t have to choose between defending Israel and aiding Palestinian civilians. We can and must do both.’ It is for this reason I am advocating for a humanitarian pause, which will allow relief to reach civilians and enhance the critical work of obtaining an immediate, unconditional release of all hostages.”
@GiveMeLibertyorGiveMeDeath 47.3% of Gaza are under the age of 18. 40% are under the age of 14. Maybe you should look at the myriad videos of dead and injured children, who never asked for such suffering on anyone, let alone themselves. Many tyrants and evildoers don’t care about humanity, but maybe we can do better than them… or we can just let our rage boil into disgust, and when the last shred of empathy has been extinguished, maybe then you boys can have your WWIII fantasy come to life…
I remember learning in law school that if one side is happy with a settlement and the other side is not then it is a lopsided deal. Hamas is calling for a pause, those evil bloodthirsty terrorists would be delighted with a “pause”. While Israel has chosen a strategy against Hamas that should not be interrupted because it is clearly working and we don’t want Hamas to survive and threaten the rest of the world.
Biden also calling for a pause as well. The only result a pause brings is to give the barbaric Hamas terrorists time to regroup and rearm, as they have done many times in the past. Let Israel defend itself fully and unconditionally. Sherrill has also made no efforts to protect our own borders and a terrorist attack on US soil is quite probable. That is the real Sherrill. A liberal Biden loving, all talk politician.
What a crock!!!! The Democrats want a "humanitarian pause". I don't remember a "humanitarian pause" when Hamas murdered over 1200 Jews on the surprise terrorist attack on October 7, 2023. I don't remember a "humanitarian pause" by the United States on 9-11 after over 2,000 Americans were murdered by terrorists in a surprise attack. I don't remember a "humanitarian pause" on December 7, 1941 when Japan made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor and killed over 2,000 Americans. "Humanitarian pause" is a farce and a capitulation to terrorists. Let's all remember that Hamas was voted into power by the Palestinian people by an almost 75% of the vote in 2005. Half of the Palestinian population are terrorists, while the other half are sympathizers to the terrorists. Palestinian children are brought up to hate Israel and the United States, and are taught to destroy both. Palestinians have been kicked out of every country they tried to settle in because they are born terrorists, don't want to assimilate and hate everyone that doesn't think like them or bend their knee to them. Even modern Muslim nations like Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, et al. have kicked out Palestinians. Until a few days ago, Egypt wouldn't even open their borders to Palestinian refugees, because they feared a lot of them are terrorists. But, under tremendous international pressure, Egypt relented temprorarily, but are strictly checking all Palestinians. So, anyone who says that rejecting Palestinians or not supporting them is racist, needs to have a lobotomy, after Hamas Palestinians have raped, murdered, beheaded, burned to death and tortured Jewish and other foreign women, seniors, children and babies.