Sherrill Condemns Trump's Scheduled NJ Celebration of an Insurrectionary Mob

Today, Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11) – a former U.S. Navy helicopter pilot and federal prosecutor – released the following statement after reports that Donald Trump will host a January 6 “Awards Gala” at his Bedminster golf club on September 5:
“Donald Trump – a twice impeached convicted felon – doesn’t know the first thing about service to our country or upholding the Constitution. He continues to spotlight and celebrate members of an insurrectionist mob who violently attempted to stop the peaceful transfer of power on January 6. Even worse, he pledged to pardon the thousands who’ve been convicted of crimes on January 6 – even those who assaulted the more than 140 law enforcement officers who were wounded during the insurrection. The American people have a clear choice in this election between a dangerous candidate who has said he would ‘terminate’ the Constitution, and Kamala Harris who will uphold it.”
Craig Sicknick, brother of Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick – who died on January 7 following the attack on the Capitol – said:
“Donald Trump has no shame, no moral compass, and not an ounce of the courage or patriotism that my brother Brian had. Brian was a hero who defended the U.S. Capitol from an unprecedented attack: A mob sent by Trump to overturn a free and fair election. This latest report shows just how low Trump will stoop in his quest for power. But we have leaders and patriots like Mikie Sherrill who have the vision and integrity to stand up for what’s right and defend our Constitution from the MAGA extremists intent on destroying our democratic values.”
Earlier this year, Mikie was endorsed by Craig Sicknick through an op-ed in You can read Sicknick’s op-ed here.
Thank heavens for smart, educated people who read all sides and can see through the nonsense. Convicted felons need not apply. Period.
Someone needs to educate O. Henry that rambling on without posting links to support what he is saying that he is "the Duck." Should we go quack quack for you O. Henry or "Cackle Cackle for Kamala, the bird brain with worse record in history, never went thru the primaries, can't speak, no one know what she stands for. Which is it O. Henry? Quack quack or cackle cackle?
Someone educate Henry that if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it certainly is a (Donald) Duck. I am not referring to his duck from the assassination attempt from a young man using an assault style rifle, that has NO PLACE in Our Society EXCEPT with a “Well Regulated Militia ( read the 2nd Amendment the correct way.) Donald ‘ducked’ his moral responsibility to acknowledge he Lost the 2020 Election. He came right up to the edge of putting our Country in a Constitutional crisis. Your man is as phony as a three dollar bill. He could have pardoned those later convicted of January 6 crimes WHEN HE WAS STILL IN OFFICE, but he chose not to. He is only running again for himself, and to stay OUT OF JAIL. Vote for the Prosecutor, not the Felon, in 2024.
Someone educate Sherrill on what an insurrection is!
Enough is enough and this thug must and his gang of treasonous minions must be stopped. The most sustaining provision of our democracy in the United States is the peaceful transition of power and if we lose that, we lose who we are, period. Human beings are fallible. Elections are fallible. Regardless of what one might think of our elections, we cannot succumb to violence disrupting our peaceful transfer of power. Any patriot understands that any president or party in power can be voted out of power, peacefully in our country. These folks are the antithesis of patriots. Trump and his minions are criminals. Enough is enough. . . . Trump committed treason on January 6th. He should be tried and prosecuted for that treason. He should not be permitted to be running for president. Enough is enough.