Sherrill: Expel Menendez

Statement by Rep. Mikie Sherrill on Menendez Guilty Verdict

“This is a sad day for the Garden State. Following this extremely serious verdict, I once again call on Senator Menendez to immediately resign and for his access to classified national security information to be revoked. If he refuses to resign from the Senate, he should be expelled. New Jersey deserves leadership that puts the people and our country first – not profit or self interest.”

Previous comments for: Sherrill: Expel Menendez

  1. Ron says:

    So let me get this straight. You believe he should be expelled from the Senate, but you don't believe he should lose his federal pension as a convicted felon? I guess I just don't understand political "logic."

  2. Henry says:

    He'll never resign, the Senate needs to VOTE him OUT!

  3. Peter Z says:

    Now Sherrill speaks out against sleazy Menendez. She has voted in lockstep with Menendez, Booker and Biden on every congressional matter. She is not for the America people either. She is out for herself and her personal political power. She is a fake, phony, lying bureaucrat and nothing more. She does not put people or country first. I know some will defend her. That's fine. I frankly don't give a damn.

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