Sherrill Grabs a Pint at the Irish Pub

ATLANTIC CITY - The Irish Pub just off the Boardwalk is one of those places where politicians just go to during the League of Municipalities Convention.
And so it was Tuesday afternoon for newly-announced gubernatorial candidate Mikie Sherrill.
She showed up at the pub and soon had a pint of Guinness in hand. But this was not just a time for “day drinking.”
Sherrill was just endorsed by the state firefighters mutual benevolent association and she was here to accept the endorsement- so to speak.
She joined Eddie Donnelly, the association president, and a few dozen members for a “meet and greet”
Donnelly, speaking over the din of a crowded bar, praised Sherrill’s values and work ethic.
Later, Donnelly, Sherrill and the entire group headed outside and soon reformed in front of a firefighters memorial on the Boardwalk.
[caption id="attachment_164074" align="alignnone" width="720"] The Murphys.[/caption]
He said the firefighters association voted to endorse Sherrill unanimously.
In brief remarks, the congresswoman said:
“You’ve always had my back so I hope you know I have your backs.”
Then the group broke up - there are a lot of parties to go to.
A half hour or so later, Steve Sweeney, another gubernatorial candidate, was spotted strolling up to the pub. Campaign workers already had put up “Sweeney for Governor” signs in the parking lot.
Sweeney certainly knows the lure of the Irish Pub during the convention, but he said he didn’t know Sherrill had been there.
No matter. He was preparing for an event at the pub of his own.
Hours later, I encountered Sweeney again and, not surprisingly, he said his Irish pub event was jam packed and that it went great.
This was at a restaurant-bar party at the Tropicana Hotel hosted by a number of county Democratic organizations.
Josh Gottheimer was there, like Sweeney, making the rounds. And as I left, Sherrill was just arriving.
It was near midnight but the convention offers all candidates quite the attentive audience.
Unlike the general public, these people know who all the candidates are.
We would be remiss if we didn’t mention that Phil and Tammy Murphy’s also briefly stopped by the Tropicana party.
The governor posed for a photo with Michael Murphy, the one time Morris County prosecutor, and a long ago gubernatorial candidate himself.
There’s a great ticket for you - Murphy and Murphy.
Sorry RG: You're talking apples and oranges. Thomas Jefferson hasn't been around for almost 200 years. Mikie Sherrill, is in the here and now. You're point is irrelevant.
Based on Thomas Jefferson's "reasoning", since he made the conscious choice to make use of the name of a US President who owned more than 600 slaves in colonial Virginia, it must follow that he is absolutely a racist and therefore not good for New Jersey.
As Trump used to say on his 14-year show "The Apprentice", Mikie Sherrill, YOU'RE FIRED!!!!! Sherrill is NO GOOD for New Jersey. First, she is a carpetbagger from Virginia, where she was born and raised there. Phil Murphy is also a carpetbagger from Massachusetts. These 2 idiots have no idea what REAL NEW JERSEYANS have to live through thanks to the Democrat-Communists in Trenton and D.C. Second, Sherrill wants to base her campaign on her military record. She claimed to be a helicopter combat pilot. However, records show she was never in combat, flying behind the front lines delivering documents and supplies. Third, Sherrill claims she was a litigating Assistant U.S. District Attorney for N.J. According to the U.S. District Attorney for the time, Chris Christie, Sherrill did not litigate cases. All she did was act as a liaison between the U.S. District Attorney's office and the N.J. U.S. District Courts. Fourth, Mikie Sherrill's family geneology shows that her family was slave owners in colonial and pre-Civil War North Carolina and Virginia. Also, Sherrill's ancestry shows she was from Norman England, where they also had slaves there. Mikie Sherrill is a carpetbagging, racist with slave ownership roots. She is NOT GOOD for New Jersey.
Sweeney was being modest. His event was packed. The difference between Sherrill and Sweeney is that Sweeney knows all the people who are supporting him and Sherrill needs name cards. As a DC Insider ,who has lived and breathed the stagnant Washington DC air for almost a decade , Sherrill is just learning the " Jersey way" of doing things. In Building Trades terms she is just an apprentice and Sweeney is a Journeyman. The people of NJ can't afford to have an apprentice running Trenton.
The union officials may have endorsed her, but with the firefighter it's another story!