Sherrill Sees Strong Support for Ukraine in Her District

It's been just about one year since Russia invaded Ukraine, prompting worldwide condemnation and support for the Ukrainians' plight throughout the United States.
The blue and yellow flag of Ukraine became - and still is - a common sight across the land.
A year's time, however, offers varying perspectives. While it goes by pretty quickly, it's also a time to reassess what's happening.
With that in mind, polls and anecdotal evidence suggest there is some weariness in the U.S. about the nation's continuing commitment to the war in Ukraine.
Rep. Mikie Sherrill has heard that, but not necessarily from people in her very own CD-11, which spans parts of Morris, Essex and Passaic counties.
"I still see very strong support in the district," for defending Ukraine, Sherrill said Tuesday afternoon during an unrelated event at Morristown Medical Center.
She surmises that many people in the district are patriotic and understand the need and importance of supporting democracy. The congresswoman, who is a Navy veteran, also said that today's struggle aligns in principle with past conflicts dating back to the American Revolution.
Sherrill spent part of last week at the Munich Security Conference, which is the world's leading forum for international security policy.
She said today that one must realize how much has changed since this time last year.
Back in February, 2022, there was no guarantee that so much of the world and NATO itself would be in "lockstop" against the Russian invasion.
The congresswoman also noted the resilience of nations all over the world to cope with rising energy prices and the arrival of immigrants fleeing Ukraine.
In a statement regarding the Munich conference, Sherrill observed:
"The west is more united than any time since the end of the Cold War with a renewed sense of purpose to defend, fight for, and strengthen our democratic institutions. We are leading with our democratic values and strengthening our alliances to meet the demands of today's security,"
Sherrill commented after a ceremony highlighting a $1 million federal grant to upgrade and improve the hospital's emergency department. Noting that the hospital has been ranked as the best in the state, the congresswoman said the upgrade will only make it better.
Yes, Support for Ukraine is absolutely necessary to stop Russian aggression. Ukraine is a sovereign country invaded by Russia. It is just too bad we do not protect our own borders as aggressively. I hear nothing from Sherrill about defending ourselves.