Sherrill Slams Norcross

Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-11) issued a strong statement on the Norcross indictment.

A Navy veteran and former U.S. Attorney, Sherrill was unequivocal — naming Norcross, along with Senator Menendez and Justice Alito, as powerful New Jerseyans using their positions to enrich themselves at the expense of taxpayers.

See here and below for her full statement.

From Menendez to Alito to Norcross, too many powerful people from New Jersey seem to think that they are above the law and work to enrich themselves at the expense of hard-working Americans.

New Jerseyans deserve to know that their tax dollars are being spent wisely, that contracts are being awarded fairly, and that the system isn’t rigged against them.

This type of corruption undermines citizens’ faith in government and costs taxpayers money.

I’ve served in the Navy, as a federal prosecutor, and now in Congress. I always have and always will put the people I serve and my oath of office above all else.

Previous comments for: Sherrill Slams Norcross

  1. Thomas Jefferson says:

    Sherrill the liar. She voted with the Biden Administration 100% of the time. Which means she has voted to ruin and destroy this country with high taxes, allowing illegal aliens to over-run our border, spend our tax money to conduct wars all over the world, wreck the oil and natural gas industries, vote to increase "The Green New Scam", promote the Electric Vehicle scam (EVs are built in China, their batteries are from China, China mines the lithium to run the batteries--with no environmental protections and used child slave labor, etc. Sherrill is a fake, phoney and fraud. Anyone listening to her gaslighting deserves what they get if they vote for her.

  2. Rick says:

    Another life long government employee seeking the power to tell you how you should live, think and believe. She cares about power for her party not for the people.

  3. Peter Z says:

    Absolutely right. Sherrill is a big part of the problem. Liberal democrat. She is all talk. And she is being groomed for governor. God help us.

  4. Theresa says:

    Sherrill is part of the problem

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