Sherrill on the Special Counsel Report: 'The Public Deserves to Know'

U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-11).

U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (D-11) released the following statement on Attorney General William Barr’s summary letter to Congress on the Special Counsel report:

“I stood with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to unanimously support the public release of the Special Counsel’s report in order to ensure that the American people can understand the full scope and scale of Russian interference in our election system. The Attorney General’s summary letter to Congress does not fulfill that obligation. The public deserves to know all of the facts and findings of the report and I remain committed to the need for transparency and accountability.”


Previous comments for: Sherrill on the Special Counsel Report: 'The Public Deserves to Know'

  1. zanzibar says:

    You can CMAR but best to prepare to receive new talking points. The ones you had for more than two years are an utter faliure. So is the Russia Collusion Hoax.

  2. Rob Bond says:

    The "more reality" mantra from a Trump supporter is pretty rich #CrowdSize :-)

  3. zanzibar says:

    The truth needs nothing just a bit of light and it'll do fine. Perhaps more reality is what you need to deal. It's coming.

  4. Rob Bond says:

    Wow, great parroting of the Dear Leader. Again, try to disengage from the narcissism that is Donald J. Trump and look at the bigger picture (i.e., protecting the democratic process from foreign interference)

  5. zanzibar says:

    This should "seem" easy for you to understand. NO RUSSIA COLLUSION! Not a single American involved in ANY COLLUSION. No matter the police state tactics and how much they threatened people. No one would compose against the target of the whole scheme, the President of the United States. Jerome Corsi stood up to the bullies and he won! Hey, you can drone on and on about Russians being charged who will never face a day in court and when they asked for one, Mueller got embarrassed. There's no evidence of any hack in the DNC either. The FBI was kept out. The Russia Collusion Hoax is a scam and now the truth is going to come out further on how James Comey triggered the Mueller investigation scam. What did Obama know and when did he know it?! Enjoy!

  6. Rob Bond says:

    Some serious political spin that is disconnected from the facts of the investigation and its findings (e.g., Mueller indicted 34 individuals and three Russian businesses on charges ranging from computer hacking to conspiracy and financial crimes. This includes a raft of people from the Trump campaign who seemed unable to tell the truth to investigators.). Trying to paint the investigation to be solely about conspiring with Russia is disingenuous.

  7. zanzibar says:

    One of the all-time dumbass talking points but when you're covering up massive crimes with a Russian Collusion Hoax, that's all you have left. Disgrace. Now, justice comes and Americans are going to learn the truth about the use of US intel against the American people.

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