Sherrill Wades into Sette's GOP-friendly Crowd

Mikie Sherrill is beginning to interact with some real Republicans.
OK, that's an exaggeration, but it still was noteworthy Monday night when the Democratic congresswoman-elect visited the annual cocktail party of the Morris County Crimestoppers' organization in Whippany. Sure, there is nothing politically partisan about fighting crime, but being this is Morris County, the organization certainly has a Republican feel to it.
It was started 33 years ago through the efforts of then-GOP sheriff John M. Fox and John Sette, who was to become a county freeholder and then chair of the Morris County Republican Committee. Through the years, Congressmen Dean Gallo and Rodney Frelinghuysen have been guests at the annual party, which provides food and booze for the relatively low price of $75. Crimestoppers offers money for anonymous tips that lead to arrests.
The party generally draws law enforcement personnel and local politicians, most of whom tend to be Republican. Among the GOP officials on hand were state Sen. Anthony R. Bucco and his son, Assemblyman Anthony M. Bucco, Sheriff James Gannon and current or incoming Freeholders Thomas Mastrangelo, Deborah Smith, Heather Darling, Christine Myers and John Krickus. There were also a number of local officials. The most - and perhaps only - prominent Democrats in the room were Morristown Mayor Tim Dougherty and his wife, Mary, who just ran unsuccessfully for freeholder.
Sette said inviting the congresswoman to be was the right thing to do. In introducing her, Sette said, "Rodney (always) took care of us."
Sherrill spoke briefly, joking that she had a "tough weekend," because of Navy's loss to Army in football. Sherrill, as most know, is a Naval Academy graduate.
She also reminded the crowd of her law enforcement background, noting that she worked for the U.S. Attorney's office as a prosecutor. And of federal legislation to help law enforcement or to bolster school safety, Sherrill said, "This is right in my wheelhouse."
Afterwards, Sherrlll spent time mingling with the crowd.
No one is going to mention political undercurrents during such an upbeat time, but they really can't be forgotten. Sheriff Gannon, who also spoke, has been mentioned by some Republicans as a possible candidate for Congress in 2020, And Assemblyman Bucco must have remembered that just last month Sherrill helped launch the campaign of two Democrats seeking to turn Bucco's 25th Assembly district "blue."
All that was left unsaid.
But as Sherrill left the party, eschewing a coat in the cold night air (it must be Navy toughness), she said she wants to meet more Republicans in the district.
"I want people to know that if they have needs in their community to reach out," she said.
On Jan. 4, the all-Republican Morris County freeholders have their annual reorganization meeting. This is largely a ceremonial affair, but it draws politicians on all levels. They come to get introduced and to wave to the crowd. Food is also served. Frelinghuysen long has been a regular at this event. As has been Leonard Lance, another outgoing congressman, albeit not by choice.
That will be another chance for Sherrill to make some new friends.