Shop Rite Worker: 'To Be Honest, I Don’t Even Know Who the Governor Is'
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The Shop Rite in Hackensack was one of the many stops scheduled for New Jersey First Lady Tammy Murphy, joining with Assemblyman Gordon Johnson and Bergen County Freeholder Chairwoman Germaine Ortiz, Freeholder Mary J. Amoroso, and Freeholder Thomas J. Sullivan on the trail for a “get out the vote” effort.
As the officials seeking reelection with Mrs. Murphy providing some Trenton-level support engaged with customers entering and leaving the store, Assemblyman Johnson spoke with Insider NJ to share some of his thoughts going into election day. “We have to ensure that after Tuesday we Democrats are standing strong, that we get the policies in place that the governor wants to get through with the assistance and support of the legislature. We know there has been some conflict there but Trenton is a city of deals and compromise, that’s what it’s all about. Some discussion and debate about these different ways to get us to the finish line is what we want to see. It’ll happen.”
While Mrs. Murphy was unavailable for a comment, Johnson was asked about the session ahead, and what he thought it meant for the Governor’s agenda prospects. He said that he hoped that the new legislature coming in would make it easier for the governor to advance some of his policies, but acknowledged that it is not always easy, even with an expected Democrat majority, given that some districts are more conservative than others, and Murphy is strongly liberal. “Sometimes we have to weigh things through. For some legislators it is hard to follow or support some of his ideas if they’re seen as too far to the left. But through compromise, discussion and debate, this works out. It’s about the people you represent, whether Rs or Ds, we’re here to represent the people and make the state one of the best places to live in this country. Whenever I travel abroad I always promote New Jersey as a place to invest or expand your business. We have a great location, great education system, great research, and a lot to sell from the mountains to the Jersey Shore.”
As for the shoppers, some were happy to engage with the candidates, leaving with campaign flyers, while others shied away entirely. Given the low level of interest, overall, in the 2019 election, it might not be surprising that the event was so low key. “To be honest,” a Shop Rite worker said, “I don’t even know who the governor is.” This was a sentiment expressed by pollster Patrick Murray who described the governor at a recent Montclair State University seminar as a “non-entity” in the public view, which is not necessarily a bad thing for him, given the fatiguing effects felt following the “in your face” Christie years.