Shrugging off 'Fake News' Culture, Parker Space Awaits LD24 Victory

The Democrats tried to make an issue out of him and his Facebook pose with a Confederate Flag, inflating his district to cover the size of the state, scandalized; but trudging to the finish line tonight, Assemblyman Parker Space (R-24) shrugged it off as the inevitable lunatic crossroads of fake news and liberals, which finally conflates to the same sorted glob of misbegotten wax.
"Its the fake media and liberals," he told InsiderNJ. "Look, it was a Hank Williams banner. They don't know me. They don't know that I have a sister who's a lesbian who's married to a black lady and that I consider their kids my niece and nephew."
They simply don't get it or get him, and he said he doesn't take it personally.
The assemblyman said he was happy with the gubernatorial candidacy of Republican Kim Guadagno.
"I think the sanctuary state issue played well for her," Space said. "It's a huge issue for people, and they're coming out in huge numbers. We're uniting for Kim. We all have to stand behind Kim."
He expected Sussex and Warren counties, the breadbasket of his district, to perform very well for the Republican.
"She has worked tirelessly and I know the majority of people are behind her."