Sires Bothered by Reports of Trump's Final Abusive Hours in Power

Today, Congressman Albio Sires (D-9) released the following statement regarding reports that the President’s pardon power is being used for financial gain by those with close ties to the President:
“In the final days of a presidency tainted by abuses of power for personal and financial gain, it is not surprising that allies of the President have reportedly received tens of thousands of dollars to lobby the President for clemency. If there has been one guiding principle of President Trump’s time in office it has been that the President acts in his own best interest, not in the best interest of our nation. Instead of upholding our justice system, the President corrupted the pardon power by commuting sentences and pardoning multiple people who lied during investigations into Russian interference in the 2016 election as well as Republican House members who were sentenced for corruption.
"He has frequently thrown around pre-emptive pardons for his family members as well as for himself, an unprecedented move that would harm our democratic institutions and the rule of law," Sires added. "As President Trump’s term draws to a close, I am highly concerned about further corruption and abuses of power in the final hours. Even after Trump has left office, I will work with my colleagues to protect our democracy and address abuses of the pardon power.”