Sires Says U.S. Should Prepare to Take in More Ukrainian Refugees

Albio Sires

Today, Congressman Albio Sires (D-8), made the following statement after President Joe Biden announced his Administration’s plans to welcome up to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees:

The Administration’s announcement that the United States will expedite and take-in 100,000 refugees fleeing Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine is welcome news. The United States has a long history of sheltering refugees in their time of need. I am a living example of this long-standing policy, coming to America with my family in the early 1960’s to escape the oppressive Castro government in Cuba.” 

“Although this is a step in the right direction, the United States should increase the number of refugees we are taking in from Ukraine. With close to 4 million fleeing the conflict already, the United States needs to be a welcoming beacon of democracy for all those who need sanctuary.” 

As our economic recovery from COVID-19 continues with great progress, our economy has ample room for these refugees to join our workforce and make fantastic contributions to our society as a wholeWe have welcomed those in need before – we must continue our proud tradition and welcome Ukrainians to our country while they defend their own.”

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