Social Media Stupidity: Do or Dye

NEWTON - As debate over Jerry Scanlan's offensive tweets ensued Tuesday night before the Sussex County Community College Board of Trustees, one opponent of taking any action against Scanlan talked about a double standard.
Wearing a pro-Donald Trump baseball cap, the man contended that only "conservatives" are called to task for saying, or posting, offensive and racist things. Liberals, he said, often do the same with impunity.
He cited no examples.
What was probably unknown to this fellow, and for that matter, to many of the people in the audience, was a news item surfacing at just about the same time.
That was the sacking of one, Jeffrey Dye, a leader of the Passaic NAACP, from his job with the New Jersey Labor Department.
It surfaced that Dye had authored some Facebook posts that were anti-Semitic and anti-Hispanic. That prompted his swift removal by the administration of Democrat and liberal Phil Murphy.
Clearly, a man who harbors animosity to certain ethnic and religious groups has no right to a job in the state's Labor Department. Just like a man authoring similar posts should not be on a college board of trustees.
Moreover, this episode shows that no matter your political leanings, - the NAACP is certainly a liberal organization - racist postings can get you in trouble.