Soliman Swats Back at MacArthur

Against the backdrop of a federal government shutdown, Mike Soliman, spokesman for U.S. Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ), swatted at U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-3) after the Congressman urged Menendez to persuade Democrats to stop the shutdown.
Each side blames the other for the shutdown.
For his part, Soliman objected to the political implications of MacArthur's statement earlier today and struck back.
"While millionaires like MacArthur engage in sleazy personal attacks and lining the pockets of the super-rich with tax cuts they don't need, Bob Menendez will continue to fight for the working families of New Jersey day in and day out," said Menendez's former state director.
In January 2015, Michael Soliman registered with the United States Justice Department, pursuant to the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as a person representing the Embassy of the State of Qatar. You must have read about Qatar in the news...Amnesty International has accused Qatar of being complicit in human trafficking and modern-day slavery. Yes, slavery. In fact, the United Nations recently gave Qatar one year "to end migrant worker slavery" or face an international investigation. Qatar is just one of freedom's garden spots represented by Mercury. Remember the controversy in Uganda, when the President of that country decided that homosexuality was a crime that should be punishable by death? Well, the law he wanted passed was "moderated" in December 2013, substituting life imprisonment for the death penalty. In 2015, Mercury was brought on to provide public relations, lobbying, and media monitoring services with regards to the Office of the President and the Ugandan government in general on subjects beginning with "human rights" and ending with "good governance." For which the contract calls for Mercury to be compensated at the rate of $50,000 per month, with $150,000 up front.