Source: Carpenters Pushing Hard For Verelli In LD15

Labor is pushing back against Mercer Dems worried about replacing a Assemblywoman with an Assemblyman.
Freeholder Anthony Verelli was an initial frontrunner, and locked up the support of the Carpenters early, but concerns grew as Democrats grew concerned with swapping out a female (Liz Muoio, heading to the Treasurer, if confirmed) for another white male.
"You want jobs here in Trenton, don't you?" a source told Insider NJ at the War Memorial.
"Do you want politically correct, or do you want jobs?", the source added.
Jittery committee members tried to stand tehir ground, but the Carpenters were putting the screws on for the Freeholder.
"Hopefully it will be resolved by the end of this week," a second source said doubtfully.