Source: Latinas Make Play to Murphy for Turner Seat at the Port Authority

It's a political juggernaut now in the aftermath of Caren Turner's demise at the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, with everyone tugging at Governor Phil Murphy's sleeve to suggest her replacement, and in that mix, Latinas continue to make a strong push for Murphy's attention.

In addition to the name of Sonia Delgado of Princeton Public Affairs, two more Latina names continue to float this week, both also recommended by the Latino Taskforce on Appointments for the NALEO Education Fund: Patricia Campos Medina, the president of LUPE-PAC and Elisa Charters of Essex County.

"It is time for a woman of color on that agency," a source told InsiderNJ. "All diversity comes from the New York side. It is the same in all bi-state commissions. It is embarrassing that Pennsylvania and New York care more about diversity on those boards than NJ does."

The source said Governor Chris Christie's nomination of Middlesex County Democratic Committee Chairman Kevin McCabe to the Port Authority prompted another round of Latinas trying to get the Governor's attention for future appointments, a reanimated effort now in the aftermath of Turner's implosion.

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