Source: Not so Fast on Swain as the Replacement for Eustace

Former Fair Lawn Mayor John Cosgrove last year lost a majority on the Fair Lawn Council, but he's still popular in his home town.
A source said Dems struck a deal that he could be deputy mayor in exchange for Lisa Swain and only Lisa Swain being mayor. Cosgrove wouldn’t agree to anyone else. With her out, The Dems won’t appoint him mayor, so he is free to possibly challenge Lagana, a fight Dems doesn’t want.
A second source said it's not true - put a fine point on the deal not happening - and underscored that Swain is definitely in the mix to [bubbleAutoLink text="replace Assemblyman Tim Eustace" id="25738"] (D-38), as reported by InsiderNJ.
"Undecided, but in the mix - and Swain is in a very good position," the source said.
The source underscored that Swain is likely, in fact, as Bergen Democrats sort through some names, mostly as a pro forma gesture.
But that doesn't stop the Cosgrove for Senate buzz.
"I ran the 38 race last year for Langschultz Leonard and Wolf," said Alex Cuccienello. "I think John Cosgrove absolutely needs to be on the top of the ticket for the Republicans, he is a fighter and would pull out huge numbers in Fair Lawn. I hope he runs I would totally be on board."