Source: Pennington Councilwoman Mills Well Positioned in LD15

Mostly on the strength of his ties to the powerful Carpenters Union, Mercer Freeholder Anthony Verrelli looked early like the frontrunner early in the LD15 contest to succeed Assemblywoman Liz Muoio, Governor-elect Phil Murphy's choice for treasurer. But establishment players are jittery over the fact that all of Mercer's current assembly representation - LD15, LD16 and LD14 - consists of white males, a source told InsiderNJ this morning.

That makes it harder for the amiable Verrelli to get traction - and easier for Pennington Councilwoman Beverly Mills.

"It definitely adds a dimension to her candidacy," a source said.

Contenders Mercer Freeholder Lucy Walter and Tim Watson quit their bids this week, the former intent on securing the freeholder director spot, which she's up for in 2018.

Mercer Freeholder Sam Frisby is not yet out of the mix, but a source close to discussions told InsiderNJ that Mills has a better crack at the Muoio seat, not only because she would replace the county assembly delegation's lone woman, but because she hails from Hopewell Valley, which would lack a rep with Muoio's retirement.

Talks were ongoing this morning about the seat, a special convention timeline conditioned by whether Muoio joins the administration early as Murphy's acting treasurer, prior to senate confirmation, or waits and holds onto the seat through senate hearings.

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