Source: Rivas a Favorite for Sires Seat in CD8

In the event that state Senator Brian P. Stack successfully turns Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise out of office next  year, he would likely put Freeholder Tilo Rivas in a stronger position to supplant a wounded U.S. Rep. Albio Sires (D-8), a source told InsiderNJ.

But it could materialize faster than that, the source added.

Rivas is the Freeholder representing Union City, and a core part of the Stack organization.

He is pulling petitions this week for a CD8 run, the source said, and as the countywide intra-party war intensifies, Stack and company may call on him sooner rather than later - as in now - to square up against Sires, who's on the ballot in June.

DeGise and Sires are tight, two Hudson County Democratic Organization (HCDO) loyalists with symbiotic political lifelines.

When Stack and Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop declared their intentions to back an alternative to DeGise, Sires immediately gave off a dimmer glow.

Buzz circulated about the potential for Fulop himself to take on the incumbent congressman from West New York, but the source said no, Rivas would be the alternative to Sires on the strength of his organizational standing in Stack World.

First elected as a Union City Commissioner in 2002, Rivas did not seek reelection this year as a member of the local governing body.

Educated at Santo Domingo Autonomous University, Rivas is a retired research scientist for Kraft Foods Global Biscuit Group in East Hanover, and has also worked as a television and print journalist in both the United States and his native Dominican Republic.

Dominicans and Central Americans are the two fastest-growing Latino groups in the county.


Previous comments for: Source: Rivas a Favorite for Sires Seat in CD8

  1. Joseph Blaettler says:

    Scientist? The guy made cookies for Nabisco. He is a Stack lackey who simply follows orders. "Educated at Santo Domingo Autonomous University" wonder if they teach the US Constitution or US policy at that University? Or did Tilo just learn about government via the corrupt system of politics taught in Union City. Him and Trump in a one on one meeting would be some meeting of the minds.

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