Sources: In Union, Green to Step Down; Scutari Making Calls to Succeed Him

NJ's Joint Legislative Committee on Ethical Standards dismissed a complaint filed by Linden Mayor Derek Armstead against state Senator Nick Scutari. The complaint alleged that a Scutari ally had intimidated Armstead's allies, tried to deny their civil rights and attempted to force them out of a Democratic County Committee race.

Sources tell InsiderNJ that Assemblyman Jerry Green (D-22) - who has been ailing - will soon resign the chairmanship of the Union County Democratic Committee.

Senator Nick Scutari (D-22) has been making phone calls to committee members in an effort to shore up support to succeed Green - even if only temporarily.

This is a developing story.

Scutari would not return phone calls, nor would Union County Democratic Committee Executive Director Nick Fixmer.

Amid general concern about the health of the veteran Democratic Party chairman, a source yesterday told InsiderNJ that Scutari reached out to committee chairs in an effort to gauge support toward taking on the party leadership role, even as the various camps in the CD7 Democratic Primary seek a unified support system from the party in Union.

Legal questions about Scutari's authority remain.

A source told InsiderNJ that as the Vice Chair, Fanwood Mayor Colleen Mahr should be in charge in the event that Chairman Green cannot continue.

Mahr has significant support in the suburban portion of the county, including those areas which last year exceeded expectations in the general election.

[caption id="attachment_947" align="alignright" width="300"] Green, center, with Somerset County Democratic Committee Chair Peg Schaffer and U.S. Rep. Frank Pallone (D-6).[/caption]

But politics dogs the organization, with the formal retirement last year of state Senator Ray Lesniak (D-20) essentially accelerating a fight between Scutari and Senator Joe Cryan (D-20) for county control. The wings of the party have bare-knuckled it for years, with Cryan in Mahr's corner a few years ago when she attempted to fill an LD22 assembly vacancy and Scutari (with Lesniak) lining up behind the ultimately successful Assemblyman Jim Kennedy (D-22). Now, though, the stakes have risen.

Green, a powerful local figure in his hometown of Plainfield, has been absent for numerous political events going back to late last year. Party members have expressed worry about his health. Others have expressed irritation at a less than candid organizational handling of his apparent illness. One source noted that Green's office has communicated the false narrative that everything is fine and the assemblyman is maintaining his usual work rate.

But others close to Green have conceded his failing health.

A source close to the developing situation told InsiderNJ that Scutari would assess his friend's condition and make a move - at least concerning the chairmanship - when necessary.

Sources say that time has come.

In addition to serving as county chairman, Green is the Assemblyman from LD22.

If a vacancy occurs in the district - and that may not be at this time -  a source suggested Plainfield Mayor Adrian Mapp as a natural fit for the seat.

"Plainfield is not giving an Assembly seat to Fanwood," said the source, when asked about the party doubling back on Mahr, making the case for the Queen City's strong leg up on the legislative seat.

[caption id="attachment_1456" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Cryan leads the charge.[/caption]


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