Speaker Coughlin Says He 'Remains Committed' to Legalization of Adult Recreational Marijuana (with VIDEO)

Assembly Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19) issued the following statement today to reiterate his commitment to passage of bills to legalize and regulate adult-use cannabis, expand access to medicinal marijuana and enact social justice reforms:

“I’m disappointed that the legislature was not able to secure sufficient support necessary to approve the adult-use cannabis, medicinal marijuana and expungement bills today, but this is still a historic day. We moved closer to the goal than ever before.

“Today does not mark the end of the process and effort. I remain committed to enacting the legislation. I appreciate the support of the Assembly Caucus for the bills and look forward to continuing to work with the Governor and Senate President to pass this landmark legislation which will serve as a national model.

“I want to thank the Governor, the Senate President and the Assembly sponsors of the measure for their commitment to the issue and their staunch advocacy.”


Previous comments for: Speaker Coughlin Says He 'Remains Committed' to Legalization of Adult Recreational Marijuana (with VIDEO)

  1. zanzibar says:

    Good! NJ is dumb enough already. Sen. Rice was correct about the scam and its impact.

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