Speziale Campaign Derides Dem County Committee Choice of Adamo

Speziale for Sheriff campaign spokesperson Sofia Quintanar released the statement below following the news that the Passaic County Democratic Committee endorsed lifelong Republican Thomas Adamo for Sheriff:

"While Jerry Speziale was working hard knocking on doors and helping elect Democrats in Passaic County in numerous campaigns over the last three decades, his opponent Thomas Adamo was a registered Republican.

"Not only is Adamo a lifelong Republican, he comes from a prominent family of Republican politicians in Passaic County. As if that wasn't disqualifying enough, Adamo remained a Republican all the way through the disastrous Trump presidency and only changed his party affiliation in recent days when he was tapped by the party bosses to be their puppet candidate for Sheriff. It's absolutely outrageous that not only is unelected party boss John Currie trying to run a law enforcement agency through his so-called 'new structure' where he calls all the shots, now he’s trying to elect a Republican as Sheriff.

"Passaic County Democratic voters will never support a Republican like Thomas Adamo, and Jerry Speziale is ready to run a strong campaign to win the Democratic nomination for Sheriff."

From the point that Speziale began forming a reinterest in running for the sheriff's seat this year, Passaic County Democratic Committee Chairman John Currie irritatedly noted the former sheriff's decision to accept a post at the Port Authority during the Christie Administration back in 2010, rather than run for reelection with a challenged Democratic Party.


Previous comments for: Speziale Campaign Derides Dem County Committee Choice of Adamo

  1. Mark says:

    These comments are facts. Not lies like stated above. Ask Jerry who he donated his leftover campaign funds to? Bet his anwser is different than the last time he was asked that question. Also ask him how many penisons he is collecting.

  2. hcukn says:

    these comments are nothing but lies. funny how scared people really are for jerry to get in office.

  3. Damon DeLucca says:

    Tommy Adamo is a standup candidate who is honorable and all that is good in governing and police work in Passaic county.

  4. Frank Tappa says:

    Jerry has a better chance of winning a cocaine sniffing contest then county sheriff. He already has a bunch of losers like Brady and Dipsqaule sucking on his left and right nut , he must have promised them jobs LOL all are a bunch of losers who cant even take care of family business, dipasquale has a trashbag daughter, brady has a drug addict son( did u think no one heard of your sons heroin addiction) and jerry well just look at his history of dogging his wife and sleeping with prostitues not to mention his drug use which is confirmed by multiple people. Go back into your hole speziale its the only place you deserve

  5. Laura Carcich says:

    Jerry is the worst type of human there is. Someone who gains your trust just to disappear and disappoint you. He has been a joke ever since leaving as Sheriff in 2010, anyway he can benefit himself he jumps at the opportunity not thinking about others, typical peice of trash.

  6. Ricardo says:

    Jerry wasn't dumped, he kissed Chris Christie's ass and took a $200k job as a bribe in exchange for quitting at the last minute in 2010 to try to screw over Democrats in that election. Confirmed by Christie's guy at the Port Authority in court testimony. He left. He's been job hopping and supporting Republicans along the way ever since. There are so many newspaper articles about this stuff. He probably should have been dumped the way he blew up the budget, so it turned out to be good that he left and Berdnik was able to clean things up. Bringing him back makes no sense for anyone except the 20 people he already promised to make Undersheriff. Did he promise you too Vinny? He doesn't always tell the truth you know.

  7. CuzinVinny says:

    Another case where democrat political bosses dump a longtime elected official for someone who's not a democrat, but someone who will kiss ass and follow orders

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