For Stack, a Pic is Worth a Thousand Swords

Contrary to the endzone dances going on in Stick World, sources in Stack World dismissed Hoboken attempts at statesmanlike stagecraft last night as little more than desperate public bumrushing.
Running for Mayor of Hoboken, Stick, otherwise known as Hudson Freeholder Anthony Romano, showed up at the annual Brian P. Stack Civic Association, and promptly stood next to Stack, looking like a wandering ronin affixed suddenly to the side of the local shogun.
A Romano source said it was proof positive of ground gained in the Romano effort to curry favor with LD33 overlord Stack, who had given the freeholder the heave-ho from another event earlier this year, apparently bothered by Romano's connective tissue with at least one rabid Stack enemy in Union City. But a source close to Stack this morning said nothing should be gleaned from last night's optic exercise in the way of Stack leaning Romano in the very competitive Hoboken mayoral contest.
In fact, the source said Stack was irritated by Romano expectations of affection by association.
"As a result of Stick pitching a false story, they can expect Stack troops to mobilize against them," the source deadpanned, clearly kidding, but also a tad peeved.
Hoboken is not Stack's favorite LD33 town right now.
Stack was stung when he hung his name on the reelection campaign of Mayor Dawn Zimmer in Hoboken only to have her back out of running in the end. Now he doesn't want to get burned again, and resents anyone trying to paint him into a corner of what he sees as a local circus. But after having been all but wheel-barrowed out of one event, a Stick (not Stack) source said they'll take not only being able to hobnob with impunity at Schuetzen Park with Stack pals, but can't interpret as anything other than a victory the score of standing onstage with not just Stack - but Stack in the company of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy.
"Headway," said the source. "We're not saying it's an endorsement, but it's brick by brick headway in the right direction."
[caption id="attachment_14161" align="alignleft" width="225"] The scene at Schuetzen[/caption]