Stack Unifies Fractured Statewide Figures at Union City Rally (without DeGise)

UNION CITY - Arrayed onstage with Governor Phil Murphy, Senator Bob Menendez and Senate President Steve Sweeney, Mayor (and state Senator) Brian P. Stack looked like he was ready for the German assault on Stalingrad tonight.
His immediate objective?
Reelection in a walkover May 8th nonpartisan election.
No one here in the Park Theater in this homage to Stack t-shirted humanity could name the person running against Stack.
"DeGise?" InsiderNJ attempted in a show of levity amid the bodies and received a blank and humorless look in response.
"Stack! Stack Stack! Stack! Stack! Stack!"
The inside game was not the overt game.
But if irony was not the star of this apparent morality play, Stack in any event succeeded in providing a stage to convey a love bug vibe between fierce foes Sweeney and Murphy. Earlier in the day, sources coming out of the Trenton Senate Budget Hearing said they were stunned when Sweeney took the reins of the hearing to get some digs in on Murphy's choice for higher ed.
"First time I ever saw something like that," a source said earlier this evening in the Ironbound.
Tonight, with Stack at the microphone, Sweeney and Murphy looked lovey dovey as the bookends of local hometown hero Menendez while the Senator's minder Mike Solamin got chummy in the wings with Murphy Deputy Chief of Staff Adam Alonso.
If they were [bubbleAutoLink text="going to war" id="26483"], it wasn't with anyone in the room, Stack seemed to suggest.
"I want to give a special thank you to all the government officials who are in the room tonight," said the mayor/senator. "Thank you for the partnerships that we've crated here."
Stack hodge-podged the stage with familiar faces, the local and countywide players all functionaries of the Stack-Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop partnership to budge sitting Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise out of office. Those more august figures would likely not deign to attach themselves to one side or the other of the fight, but Stack channeled a finely fashioned will at the microphone, flanked by the likes of state Senator Sandy Cunningham (D-31), Hoboken Mayor Ravi Bhalla, West New York Mayor Felix Roque, Assemblyman Raj Mukheri (D-33), Assemblywoman Angela McKnight (D-31) and Hudson County Clerk Junior Maldonado. Middlesex Democratic County Committee Chairman Kevin McCabe was also onstage, apparently punctuating the Speaker Craig Coughlin (D-19) contingent.
"This summer we're paving about 45 streets in the community," said Stack. "It's all done for the people who live in Union City and the people who come to Union City."
One glaring omission tonight from Team Stack was Fulop.
For all the expansive good feeling, the mayor of Jersey City was absent.