'Stars and Bars' Shirt on Display at 'Stop the Steal' Rally

Trump rally.

BEDMINSTER - What should we make of these continuing Trump rallies - like the one Saturday morning a few miles down the road from Trump National?

Delusional? Defiant?  Just plain silly?

It's probably all of the above.

The last time I visited a patch of open land behind the local library and alongside Route 206, it was three weeks ago. That was Nov. 7, the day Joe Biden was projected to win Pennsylvania and thus, the presidency.

That day's Trump rally, or actually a "Stop the Steal" rally, had been called prior to Biden being declared the winner; so the president's supporters were in a very disbelieving mood.

Much has happened since.

Virtually all of the president's suits challenging the election have been dismissed.

States have certified their elections and the Trump Administration has begun - grudgingly -  to cooperate with the transition. None of that seemed to matter on this very pleasant Saturday morning in Somerset County.

The president's most ardent supporters are convinced all of this is a bad dream, a mirage, or, of course, "fake news."

One woman carrying a large "Don't Tread on Me" flag and a smaller American flag said she was "praying, praying, praying" for Trump to remain president. She said that approach worked the night Trump won the presidency four years ago. So, why wouldn't it work again?

A man who brought his German Shepherd to the festivities said only an "idiot" would think Biden really won.

Another supporter of the president said the Electoral College hasn't voted yet. That happens on Dec.14, but even in these times, it's unlikely to change anything.

There is a rhythm to these events and today's was no exception.

There are American and Trump campaign flags; supporters in MAGA-hats and clothing, patriotic music and the waving of flags at passing motorists, some of whom respond by beeping horns. There was a guy attired in colonial garb and another wearing a garment emblazoned with the "Stars and Bars." There was also a parade of vehicles sporting multiple Trump flags that drove past the 150 or so rally supporters around 11:30 a.m.

What there wasn't - and this is another staple at Trump rallies – were many people wearing masks. Clearly, the political divide over something as seemingly rudimentary as protecting one's health – and that of others - continues unabated. It's worth wondering what's going to happen six months from now, or even two months from now, when President Donald J. Trump is no longer the president.

Are there still going to be rallies? Are Trump supporters still going to be convinced their guy won?

My hunch is yes. It seems clear Trump will continue ranting about a "rigged" election and his base of fanatical devotees are unlikely to change their minds.

Previous comments for: 'Stars and Bars' Shirt on Display at 'Stop the Steal' Rally

  1. Patriot_USA says:

    Cancer removed. Thank God. I support Local Police. I Believe In Science. I Believe In Freedom, including Women's Rights. God Bless America!

  2. Kelli Luke Helmeci says:

    Why are all the Trump bashers scared to put in a profile picture. Because TRUTH HAS NO AGENDA and The president is the only truth and freedom we have left. The rallies will go on and on because the corruption will not be accepted, the cheating will not be accepted. The depth of the rallies will be determined by how long it takes for the constitution to be followed.

  3. Bruce Todd says:


  4. Bruce Todd says:

    It only takes horse-blinders or worse to ignore the videos in Georgia of ballot-stuffing or events in Philadelphia, or the thousands of affidavits and personal testimony of individuals, or the unconstitutional changes made to legislative directed election laws by unelected individuals, to see that unless reversed by the Congress, we will now have an illegitimate Presidency approaching. Whether either by design or the cowardice of the courts, or by officials who had the capability to intervene, but did not, that will still be the Truth. I fear that unless the Congress does intervene, as the Constitution does allow it to do, then one thing is certain, the policies of that illegitimate Biden Presidency, pushed by the political forces behind that "Shadow" called Joe Biden, will rapidly become clear as his potential appointees only so far hint to, by their former escapades in the bowels of government, finance, and the Military Industrial Complex make clear. If the death threats against those who tried to be part of a legitimate investigation into the most apparent vote-fraud aspects of the election are any indication, then those who wish to see the Republic exist and its present Constitution not be shredded, then i suspect that bond of a commitment to those principles will have to inspire a more strident personal effort. As Benjamin Franklin once remarked to a questioner about what the people had been given, "A Republic, if you can keep it".

  5. Pete Bremy says:

    It’s time for you liberals to get over it! Hillary lost!! ...oh...wait. 😂😂😂

  6. Nancy T says:

    What has Biden done for his country last 47 years? You really need to educate yourself how much Trump has really done for us. He's done more in 4 years than violence done in 47 and that's a fact.

  7. Nancy T says:

    I bet you there's a couple other things you didn't see. No businesses being loitered or burns down, no cars being and toppled over, nobody disrespecting the police, I could go on and on. Us American sat back in horror and watch the "protest" All Summer Long, I'm sure you could handle a few months for all the fraud to come to light. Anyone who thinks Biden actually one is the one who's delusional. The man didn't leave his basement all summer because his handlers know she can't respond appropriately to the Press without a skit.

  8. Moe Howard says:

    Stars and bars...ohhh, the horror!

  9. Charoty says:

    These delusional people need to stop crying over dickbrain and go home and do something useful. America is finally free of trump and these people should be celebrating.

  10. mayeeden says:

    Srars and bars much better than the news media.

  11. Debra Amorino says:

    Slanted much?

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