State of Affairs Examines Investing in Mothers, Children, and Child Care in New Jersey

Mary Coogan, President and CEO of Advocates for Children of New Jersey, joins Steve Adubato to examine affordable, accessible childcare and the need for stronger investment in mothers and children.

Adubato asks Coogan, what the number one childcare challenge in the state is at the end of 2024. Coogan responds, “Affordable childcare, in which you have workers who are paid a wage that keeps them at that childcare center. Centers are struggling to find staff that will stay, and parents are trying to find childcare centers that they can afford.”

Previous comments for: State of Affairs Examines Investing in Mothers, Children, and Child Care in New Jersey

  1. Eric Lewis says:

    "Affordable childcare where the workers are paid well enough to stay at that job" Sounds like 2 trains leaving the station heading in opposite directions. How about getting situated in careers that give you the income to have stabile housing and afford to raise and care for YOUR kids without the Blanche DuBois outlook of depending on the generosity of strangers? Saw a new bumper sticker last week "Don't breed em if you can't feed em" That sounds like wise advice.

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