State of Affairs Looks at Why the Nation Should Continue to Talk About the January Sixth Insurrection

Steve Adubato is joined by Benjamin Dworkin, Ph.D., Director, Rowan Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship to explain why the nation should still be talking about the January 6th insurrection and how politics have polarized society. Recorded 6/21/22
Steve Adubato asks Dr. Dworkin about why the January sixth insurrection is still important to talk about. Dworkin responds “There are issues we all face, we can’t ignore January sixth, if for no other reason than Donald Trump will not ignore January 6th in the 2020 election. He is still out there, he is the guest who won’t leave. We still obviously have issues like you know inflation and everything else and supply chain that we still have to deal with as well.”
Steve Adubato and Dr. Dworkin also discuss the upcoming November election. Dworkin says "the House is likely to go Republican for a number of different reasons, the question I think Americans have is what's the Republican party that’s going to be in charge of Congress going to be like."