State Troopers PAC Releases Endorsements


The State Troopers Fraternal Association PAC today released their list of endorsements in New Jersey.

They are as follows:

U.S. Senate: Curtis Bashaw

CD-1: Donald Norcross

CD-2: Jeff Van Drew

CD-3: Herb Conaway

CD-4: Chris Smith

CD-5: Josh Gottheimer

CD-6: Frank Pallone

CD-7: Tom Kean, Jr.

CD-8: Rob Menendez

CD-9: Nellie Pou

CD-10: No Endorsement

CD-11: Mikie Sherrill

CD-12: No Endorsement

Bergen Sheriff: Anthony Cureton

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2 responses to “State Troopers PAC Releases Endorsements”

  1. Trump will appeal and win against the 34 count convictions. Even legal experts don’t even know what Trump was charged with. It’s another case of smoke-and-mirror lawfare being used against a Republican-Conservative political opponent who is obviously going to win the 2024 Presidential Election. I never heard of any Republicans using lawfare to go after a political opponent. It’s only the Democrat-Communists that use “lawfare” to attack their opponents. They have taken the Marxist playbook of lawfare from Communist run countries likes Venezuela, Brazil, Cuba, Russia, Red China, and even Iran and some of the totalitarian Arab regimes.

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