Staying Local: Stack Embraces Fulop, Commits to Going All out for Him in JC Mayor's Race

[caption id="attachment_405" align="alignnone" width="4608"] Stack, right, and Fulop.[/caption]

JERSEY CITY - They say Councilman Michael Yun of the Heights is pawing the turf and gearing up to run for mayor of Hague City, a narrative Union City Mayor Brian Stack blunted today in a big way when he stood at the head of his northern forces and dedicated himself to reelecting Jersey City Mayor Steven Fulop.

"Do I have a commitment from everybody here today - that not only are we going to be here today," Stack told throngs of cheering supporters outside his district headquarters on Palisades Avenue, "but we're going to be here each and every night to work hard for him when he's on the ballot in November. That's very, very important."

The crowd roared.

At present, Fulop faces challengers Bill Matsikoudis (the former corporation counsel of Jersey City under former Mayor Jerry Healy), and former assemblyman Charles Mainor. Yun is threatening in the Heights, which is also part of Stack's district 33 base, and Stack doesn't know how to make small statements.

He has a record of not just beating but of smothering opponents.

Political animal Fulop loves it.

"Our goal is not just to win - but to win big," said the mayor, who appeared on course to run for governor this year before opting out and backing former Goldman Sachs executive Phil Murphy, who's now the Democratic front-runner to succeed Governor Chris Christie.

In second act mode, it was perhaps appropriate this afternoon that he appear with New Jersey's ultimate local guy: Stack.

But that didn't mean the two of them scorned the chance to touch on national-sized issues in these turbulent times. Standing above the mostly Latino crowd, Fulop heard rousing cheers when he declared, "We're going to be at the forefront of fighting Donald Trump every step of the way." Mayors of some of the most densely populated diverse territory in the world, both Fulop and Stack back the protection of sanctuary cities.

Fulop called Stack the best and most dedicated mayor in the state, an assertion backed up visually by the enthusiastic and willing crowd here that spilled well off the sidewalk and into the street. Stack returned the compliment, calling Fulop a an excellent mayor who will continue to serve the city - and Hudson County - well.

[caption id="attachment_416" align="alignnone" width="1454"] Fulop and Stack: Juan Peron would have been proud.[/caption]




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