Steinhardt Denounces Murphy Choice of 'Double dipping' Muoio as 'Not the Right Person' for Treasurer

Showing a willingness to mix it up early, New Jersey Republican Committee Chairman Doug Steinhardt came up out of the crouch with a strong uppercut leveled at a Liz Muoio for Treasurer celebrating-Governor-elect Phil Murphy and the Democratic Party.
“The nomination of Assemblywoman Liz Muoio is a disappointing indicator for the direction of the Murphy Administration," said Steinhardt. "Muoio is a long-time Trenton insider and pension double dipper who recently received an illegal taxpayer raise in her position as Mercer County’s Economic Development and Sustainability Director.
"While Muoio has served in various insider government positions since 2001, Mercer County taxes have gone up by more than $70 million," the state party chairman added. "That the Governor-elect views her nomination as a 'return to the state that we once were, not so many years ago – fiscally responsible, honest, respected, and trusted, while standing for all the right things,' reflects just how out of touch Phil Murphy is with what ails New Jersey. Given her record, Liz Muoio is not the right person to stand watch over New Jersey's fiscal future as the State’s Treasurer.”
She’s a history major who went on to get the customary history major law degree. Qualified to be a treasure? Not a chance.