Steinhardt Wins Unanimous Support to Lead the NJGOP

At the Forsgate Country Club in Monroe, Republicans tonight unanimously declared their support for Warren County GOP Chairman Doug Steinhardt to serve as the new state party chairman.

Steinhardt succeeds his friend, attorney Mike Lavery, appointed in June.

Lavery succeeded former Saddle River Mayor Sam Raia, who served during most of the Governor Chris Christie years.

Raia succeeded Assemblyman Jay Webber (R-26), appointed by Christie in 2009 as a salve to the conservatives after Christie defeated Steve Lonegan. Webber left the position following 2011 redistricting.

Webber succeeded Tom Wilson, now at Horizon, who served during the Corzine years, and who departed the chairmanship after the 2009 Republican Primary.

Wilson succeeded state Senator Joe Kyrillos, who served in the position from 2001 to 2004.


Previous comments for: Steinhardt Wins Unanimous Support to Lead the NJGOP

  1. EIGHTHMAN says:

    The NJ GOP can't pull a greasy string out of a cat's butt. They are rinos and as bad as the mentally ill democrats.

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