Suleiman Calls on Election Official to Resign

Atlantic County Democratic Chairman Michael Suleiman called for a Commissioner on the Atlantic County Board of Elections to resign after posting anti-Vote by Mail rhetoric on social media.
Yesterday, Republican Commissioner Mary Jo Couts posted on her Facebook page: “We can stand in line at Target, Walmart, Lowe’s, etc. We can stand in line in November. Say NO to mail in voting. Make this go viral.”
“Donald Trump and the Republicans are doing everything they can to delegitimize and denigrate mail-in voting in order to suppress Democratic and minority voters this fall,” said Suleiman. “For a taxpayer-paid election official who not only counts mail-in ballots but rules on the validity of ballot signatures to engage in this fear-mongering is shocking. Ms. Couts needs to resign from the Board of Elections immediately.
“As the Board of Elections is required to vote on accepting or rejecting mail-in ballots, and Ms. Couts has already expressed a strong opinion against counting such votes, voters cannot have confidence she will perform her duties ‘faithly, justly and impartially’ as her oath of office requires,” Suleiman added.
Couts also voted by mail in a recent presidential election, a fact her anti-Vote by Mail post ignored.
Although her comments are particularly egregious because she is an elections official, Suleiman said, "her comments are consistent with the Atlantic County Republican Party’s voter suppression message." Tomorrow, Republicans on the Atlantic County Freeholder Board are proposing an anti-Vote by Mail resolution in order to undermine the general election.
“The July primary boosted turnout, enfranchised minority voters, and protected the health of poll workers and voters alike. These efforts are nothing more than a concerted effort by the Republican Party to suppress turnout this fall,” said Suleiman.