Suleiman Responds to Formica's Resignation

Atlantic County Democratic Chairman Michael Suleiman released the following statement regarding Frank Formica's resignation from the Atlantic County Freeholder Board:
"Frank Formica's resignation from the Freeholder Board immediately after the vacancy deadline shows how afraid the Republicans are of the upcoming Blue Wave. They're too afraid to face the voters this year and decided to take the easy way out."
"Upon hearing of Formica's resignation, I mobilized our legal team to consider litigation forcing a special election for the seat.
"While we felt confident that we would prevail, courtroom success would cause a delay in the receipt of mail-in ballots to Atlantic County residents. Distasteful as it is to watch the Republicans appoint a political insider, with everything at stake this year and Republican tampering with the U.S. Postal Service, we could not, in good conscience, risk that delay.
"We care about voters and the integrity of our elections. I cannot say the same thing for the Atlantic County Republicans. I intend to speak to legislative leadership about reforming New Jersey's vacancy laws so that we can mitigate abuses like this in the future."