Sumter Congratulates 'Mentor and Friend' Oliver on Receiving LG Nod

Assemblywoman Shavonda Sumter (D-35) this morning congratulated her colleague Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver (D-34) for being Democratic gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy's choice for lieutenant governor.
"I just spoke to Phil and I shared my disappointment but will continue to serve my state," Sumter told InsiderNJ. "I have a tremendous amount of respect for Sheila. She has been a mentor and friend. It is unfortunate that the choice came down to the two of us, but I have enjoyed the process and listened to the shared concerns about the direction of our state with folks from Atlantic County to my home county of Passaic. All the great people in New Jersey deserve an executive leader who wants to work and will do the work for New Jersey unselfishly.
"I remain committed to my beloved State of New Jersey," she added.
InsiderNJ asked Sumter, a health professional by trade, if she had ruled out serving in a Murphy Administration as commissioner of health.
"For now I am spending time with my family on a needed vacation," the assemblywoman said.