T-Mac Tosses Auth a Check to Help Fend off Prieto and Dems

Under fire from Democrats in LD39, Assemblyman Robert Auth (R-39) received a well-timed down-under gift this week from U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-3).
As Republican leaders begin to jockey for the pole position as the next leader of the NJGOP in the coming aftermath of Gov. Chris Christie, MacArthur sent a $2,000 check to the embattled Auth, which also benefits Assemblywoman Holly Schepisi (R-39), the assemblyman's slate mate.
Auth and Schepisi find themselves both bulls-eyed by Speaker Vincent Prieto (D-32) this season, as the speaker attempts to pick them off to add to his caucus majority.
Counter punching, former NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani also went in to help Auth last night at a well-attended fundraiser.
The chip-in from MacArthur reasserted the narrative of the Burlington-Ocean based congressman as a potential future statewide candidate. If indeed he ever runs for either Governor or Senator, he would be in good position to begin with the lion's share of party bulk county support astride the twin power zones of Ocean and Burlington.
And now he appears to be building goodwill in battered Bergen County.
What $2000.00 dollars are you kidding me didn't he just raise a million dollars way to help