Tammy Murphy Leans Heavily on ‘History’-Making Message


That’s the Tammy Murphy hook, at least by the reckoning of sources who showed up at Joe Jacobs’ house Tuesday night for a gander at the First Lady, while chipping in some dollars to her United States Senate campaign.

Criticized by fellow Democrats as an example of nepotism and hardly an inspiring replacement for the infernally jammed-up Bob Menendez, Murphy nonetheless pressed forward with what Democrats in her inner circle see as a slam dunk message.

It’s this:

If elected, she would be the first woman from New Jersey in the United States Senate.

She pointed that out, and Jacobs doubled down. Isn’t it disgraceful, ladies and gentlemen, he said, to think that it’s only happening now.

A longtime Phil Murphy ally, attorney Jacobs raised in excess of $100K for Tammy Murphy at the cozy event, as Murphy continues to gear up for a faceoff in the 2024 Democratic Primary with U.S. Rep. Andy Kim (D-3).




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16 responses to “Tammy Murphy Leans Heavily on ‘History’-Making Message”

  1. I would rather have some one with experience in government that I can judge their future positions

    We have experienced women in New Jersey, how about one of them?

  2. If we truly believe in equality, then Tammy Murphy’s insistence we vote for her because she is a woman is ludicrous. If she truly possessed the qualifications to be a Senator, she would want to compare her record and achievements directly with Congressman Andy Kim.

    The Murphys appear to be totally out of touch on this issue. Ms Murphy has no natural constituency and barely a record on which to run.

    New Jersey voters are knowledgeable enough to recognize the strengths and values candidates bring to residents. Congressman Andy Kim is a true public servant. Tammy Murphy is hoping her husband’s power and ability to provide party favors will convince voters she is qualified to be Senator. She is not.

  3. If elected Andy Kim would be the 4th youngest person in the US Senate and the first AAPI Senator on the entire east coast. What really counts though? Experience, a legislative record, demonstration of winning elections, and, most importantly of all, a fair ballot and an end to corruption in NJ.

  4. History? Andy Kim would be the first AAPI Senator from New Jersey, so he has as good a claim to “history” as the governor’s wife. Except with Andy Kim, you get history AND experience AND integrity AND a proven track record of delivering for the people of our state.

  5. History? Andy Kim would be the first AAPI Senator from New Jersey, so he has as much a claim to “history” as the governor’s wife. But with Andy Kim, you get history AND experience AND integrity AND a proven track record of delivering for the people of New Jersey.

  6. I resent the fact that Tammy’s go to is that she’ll be the first woman to represent NJ. I also resent the fact that all the party leaders are falling all over themselves to support her in order to stay in favor with the Governor.

    Andy Kim will be a first in that he’ll be the first AAPI candidate to represent NJ. In addition, he’ll be the first NJ US Senate candidates in decades to have the experience needed to fill this seat.

  7. I am a proud constituent of Congressman Andy Kim and supported and worked on his three campaigns. He is a workhorse and a true public servant. His cleaning of the Capitol after the January 6th riot did not surprise me-he is the epitome of a person who cares. Andy Kim has my full support-always.

  8. The whole point of gender equality is that a woman with equal or like experience as a man should be considered equally as a man with the same or equal experience. She should not be shut out simply because of her gender. That’s not true of Tammy. She doesn’t have that experience. She is given favor simply because of her relationship with the Govenor. That’s not gender equality; that’s nepotism.

  9. If Andy Kim is elected he will be the first Asian American elected to the Senate from South Jersey so the woman issue doesn’t play very well with this feminist . He will also be a man who has proven himself to be loyal to his beliefs, his constituents and his country .

  10. I’m with Andy Kim. I like Tammy Murphy, she is a decent lady and a hard worker. However, we need someone with legislative and government experience for a role as critical as United States Senator. I hope Mrs Murphy will considering running for a different office and work her way through the ranks. That would be terrific.

  11. Experience is what we need in the Senate. Congressman Kim has not only experience, but also integrity. We haven’t had that for quite awhile. Although Mrs. Murphy is an intelligent
    Person, she has no clue about serving constituents in Washington.

  12. Sorry, I don’t vote for someone because of gender, race or ethnicity . I vote for them because of their ability to do the job. Mrs Murphy was Governor Murphy’s Communications Director. In my experience as a state resident and prior Commmiteeman in Evesham
    Township, there was very little ability to communication from the Governor or his office. All of the correspondence I sent to the Murphy’s office on my constituents’ behalf was never answered. There remains no effective process to know who to reach out at the state level to coordinate with on their issues. I watched seniors and the disabled like my wife get misprioritized for COVID vaccines, a neighbor who could not open his private practice during COVID lose both his business and home with no state help, folks who needed unemployment insurance complain about not getting it without getting through, a single mom with five children lose her home, a women who could not walk get told she did not qualify for transit assistance. In several of these cases it was Andy Kim’s office who came through and not the Governor’s office. It was Andy Kim’s office who got me and my wife early COVID shots and not the state with their botched automated system. It was Andy Kim’s office that helped many of my neighbors at the state and federal levels when neither otherwise responded. It was Andy Kim that got our health care providers the needed protective equipment they were lacking. It’ was Andy Kim, who throughout the health emergency and beyond, engaged in direct bi-directional communication with ordinary people without power or money. He did this through monthly open house forums that continued on-line throughout the health emergency and then resumed in person. And, unlike the Murphys or their delegates, he did this by answering all his mail and getting his staff to talk to us on the phone.

  13. But Tammy Murphy supports the County Line, which got us our abysmal 14% female congressional delegation in the first place. Electing her to the Senate would boost that percentage to a whole 21%… just behind Alabama. And that’d be it. It doesn’t blaze a trail for anyone else. What are the rest of us supposed to do? Luck into being married to the governor? That isn’t a viable path to get women into elected office in any significant numbers. The real way to support women in politics is to end the County Line that has allowed mostly male and white county chairs to keep women across New Jersey (especially women of color) from having a fair shot at winning office. As long as Murphy defends the Line, her “history making bid” is utterly hollow.

  14. How dare anyone use the “first woman” as an excuse for someone to be voted into office. There are many more qualified women than Tammy Murphy for the job. She needs to get the experience by working from smaller civic positions up to gain experience. Being the Governor’s wife doesn’t cut it. Andy Kim would be a first as well. He would be the first AAPI. But that’s not why I’m voting for him. He is a true public servant to his constituents, a rare thing to behold in this day and age. It’s time to end the “party line” corrupt ballot system in NJ and get some great people in office. Send The Machine a very loud message this coming year.

  15. I have written to Ms. Murphy’s campaign several times and I have received no response. I have courteously asked why she continues to focus her campaign on comparisons to Menendez, instead of Andy Kim. It’s obvious that Memendez is not the viable competitor, and she is not articulating ANY reason why voters should choose her over a patriot like Andy Kim. This campaign is a vanity project that is hurting NJ.

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