Tea Partier Kaetz Arrested by Feds an Avid Backer of Trump Reelection

A man arrested by the feds for threatening a federal judge is a member of the North Jersey Regional Tea Party since 2010, according to his Facebook page, and an avid backer of President Donald J. Trump's reelection campaign.
Bill Kaetz's Twitter page is crammed with supportive posts of the president, including TV commercials backing the president's reelection bid and interviews questioning "COVID-19 fear mongering tactics."
According to the complaint:
William Kaetz, 56, of Paramus, was charged by criminal complaint with making an interstate communication containing a threat to injure a person and with threatening to assault and murder a federal judge. Kaetz is scheduled to have his initial appearance this afternoon by videoconference before U.S. Magistrate Judge Cathy L. Waldor.
According to the criminal complaint filed in this case:
On Sept. 24, 2020, Kaetz sent a communication via U.S. Mail to a federal district judge’s house, claiming to have a pending civil matter before the judge and requesting that the judge expedite the case. Kaetz was interviewed that day by investigators and admitted to being concerned about the status of his pending lawsuit before the judge. Kaetz also asked for the judge to be recused and stated that he had acquired the judge’s home address using a paid internet-based service. Kaetz further stated that the excessive delay on his pending case was unacceptable to him.
On Sept. 30, 2020, Kaetz left a voicemail for the judge, at the judge’s office, stating that he had cases pending before the judge, that the judge should have decided his matters weeks ago, and that he wanted the judge off his cases and off the bench. Kaetz further stated that he would not take “no” for an answer.
The man who shot and killed the son of Judge Esther Salas this past summer was also a strong backer of Trump.
From the Atlantic:
"Roy Den Hollander, the self-described 'anti-feminist' attorney who authorities say is the chief suspect in the shootings of the son and the husband of a federal judge in New Jersey, attacked that judge by name in misogynistic, racist writings he wrote over a period of years and posted in bulk on the Internet Archive. Den Hollander, who describes himself as a Trump volunteer in his writings, called the judge an 'affirmative action' case who affiliated with those who wanted 'to convince America that whites, especially white males, were barbarians, and all those of a darker skin complexion were victims.'"