Team Irvington Fields Candidates as Beasley Prepares to Face Shabazz
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[caption id="attachment_64667" align="alignleft" width="300"] Team Irvington[/caption]
The deaths of three elected officials in Irvington require a special November 5th election in the Essex County city adjacent to Newark.
Locally, the death of South Ward Councilwoman Sandra Jones caused Team Irvington, headed by Mayor Tony Vauss, to summon Jamillah Beasley, daughter of the late Freeholder L. Bilal Beasley.
Beasley is facing off against Al-Tariq Ibn Shabazz, a former wellness specialist at Covenant House and
[caption id="attachment_64666" align="alignright" width="300"] Shabazz[/caption]
Marine Corps veteran who now works for the City of Newark.
The rivals went to Essex County Clerk Chris Durkin's Office on Monday to draw positions on the ballot. Beasley landed the first position.
A second vacancy occurred in the North Ward of the city when veteran Councilman David Lyons died.
School Board President Orlander Glen Vick filed to run for the seat in an uncontested election.
Both Glen Vick and either Beasley or Shabazz will have to run again in May of 2020 for a full, four-year term.
A third vacancy occurred with the death earlier this year of Freeholder Lebby Jones of Irvington.
Team Irvington backs Democrat Romaine Graham for freeholder to fill the countywide seat based in Irvington. The GOP supports Adam Kraemer of West Orange.
For a more detailed InsiderNJ drill-down on the contested South Ward race specifically, please GO HERE.
Really; this Shabazz is a joke. He works in Newark and the only time you see him is around election time. He is one of the old mayor (Wayne Smith) groupie. We all know how or what condition Smith left the township in???? I say Mr. Shabazz go back to where you were hiding, Irvington does not need another soap box preacher who plagiarize the words of dead individuals to get a reaction from the people. You don't speck from the heart, it's all rehearse with you!!!!!!!!