Teaneck Flashpoint: Weinberg Versus Hameeduddin

There's a war going on in Teaneck between Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin and state Senator Loretta Weinberg (D-37).
It's not two hard, clean slates. Both power players back the reelection of Councilwoman Gervonn Rice, for example.
But boiled down, Weinberg and Hammeeduddin occupy opposing camps in tomorrow's May 8th nonpartisan election, which features seven candidates vying for four seats.
With control at stake on a seven-member governing body, which includes the mayor, Hameeduddin supports Rice, challenger Jim Dunleavy, challenger Keith Kaplan, and incumbent Councilman Elie Katz, or spots 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Weinberg backs Rice, challenger Chuck Powers, incumbent Councilman Alan Sohn and challenger Clara Williams, or 4,5, 5 and 7.
"They are not my candidates," Weinberg told InsiderNJ. "I didn't put them there, but I am proud to support them."
The mayor was waist deep in a late blitz when InsiderNJ reached him.
"We're in the middle of GOTV," said Hameeduddin, driving into Tuesday.
The mayor's allies have made Weinberg an issue, trying to cast her in the role of Norcross-Sweeney-connected overlord, which the senator laughed off as ludicrous.
A lot people in the Bergen town are stepping gingerly.
There are powerful local figures Teaneck backing five candidates for four seats.
And others who back three for four seats.
It's not two hard, clean slates.
But the mayor and the senator have picked their preference and but for Rice, go into Tuesday on opposing jagged sides.