Tedesco: Bergen County To Begin Accepting PPE Donations at County Annex Building Located in Paramus

Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco has announced that the County will begin accepting donations of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as respirator/surgical masks, medical face shields/goggles, protective medical gowns and latex gloves at the Annex Building located at 220 East Ridgewood Avenue in Paramus, N.J. (located behind Bergen New Bridge Medical Center off Pascack Road and Ridgewood Avenue) beginning tomorrow, Thursday, March 26th. The site will remain open every weekday, Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
“Sadly, Bergen County has the most COVID-19 cases in New Jersey and our supplies of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are dangerously low,” said County Executive Tedesco. “We are asking for donations of PPE from hardware stores, hair salons, nail salons, tattoo shops and any other business that is able to help our health care professionals get the equipment they need to treat residents suffering from this dangerous virus. We are a family in Bergen County and we are strong. If we work together, we will flatten the COVID-19 curve.”
The County of Bergen will be accepting small and large donations alike and has the necessary equipment to unload palletized donations if necessary. Residents are asked to please come Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. to drop off donations. This is a drive-thru donation site and residents are asked to have donations readily accessible in the trunk or back area of their vehicles so County staff can unload the items.
Residents can email PPEdonations@co.bergen.nj.us with any questions they might have about larger donations being dropped off, acceptance of homemade opened boxes, and other inquiries.