Testa Scheduled for Dec. 5th Swearing-in Ceremony

Testa and his mother.

Mike Testa, the Republican senator-elect from the 1st Legislative District, is scheduled to be sworn into office on Dec. 5th.

Unlike the GOP assemblymen-elect who with Testa made a clean Republican sweep in the district, he doesn’t need to wait for a new legislative session to take office, according to The Press of Atlantic City.

“I’m told there’s a shot for the first week in December,” Testa told the paper of record in reference to his swearing in.

Running mates Antwan McClellan and Erik Simonsen will wait until after this session ends Jan. 14, according to the Press of Atlantic City.

A Republican co-chair of the Donald Trump 2020 reelection campaign in New Jersey and Vineland attorney, Testa defied the South Jersey Democratic Machine on Nov. 5th to ensnare the seat and grab the senate seat formerly occupied by U.S. Rep. Jeff Vanhttps://www.insidernj.com/testa-defeats-andrzejczak-ld1/ Drew (D-2).

Senator Bob Andrzejczak (D-1) ran as the head of the Van Drew Team in a Republican district.

Not only did Testa win, but he pulled in his running mates, fellow Republicans Erik Simonsen and Antwan McClellan, who beat Democrats Bruce Land and Matt Milam.

Having served as chairman of the Cumberland (home to NJ Department of Agriculture Commissioner Douglas Fisher) GOP for five years and muscled his way into contention for his party’s shot at the senate seat in arguably the most competitive LD1 cycle since Van Drew defeated Asselta, stampeded by shadowy attacks from a Democratic Party PAC and the seemingly constant push back to his candidacy by Andrzejczak’s visible campaign allies, assailed by the most powerful Democratic Party machine in New Jersey and up against a legitimate war hero, Testa ran a campaign aggressively in his natural element.

In a picture on the wall of him with his family when he was a child, probably no more than ten, he’s smiling at the camera like someone awaiting the kick start of a political career.

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