Thank You, Vice President Kamala Harris

While recognizing the necessity of the ongoing and incoming thrilling and exhaustive analysis about the 2024 presidential contest and why it ended the way it did, what went wrong or right, who was or was not to blame, who did or didn’t do this or that, the crises and disasters of everyone’s pressing personalized post mortem, I would like to very humbly thank Kamala Harris for running for President of our great country and distinguishing herself – in my judgment – as a courageous leader.

Vice President Harris delivered in many significant ways on the trail, from her rousing speech at the Democratic National Convention, to her lawyerly and expert prosecution of her opponent in their single debate, to her genuine efforts to connect with voters in the great City of Brotherly Love and elsewhere.

She made the hard decisions, maybe not all of them the most politically pragmatic. But she ran the hard race. I believe she gave of herself with a true fighter’s pride, with honor, and that her belief in America shone through in her words and deeds.

I am proud that this American woman from my generation, Gen X – finely trained and educated and with real demonstrable character and deep civilizing formation – stepped into the breach as she did and made what I believe to have been an exemplary and urgent case for the country.

I do not claim membership in either party, mostly because I cherish the value of independence, and am fixated on the precision of our language in a way that prevents me from committing to what I hear as the confining preconditions of party-speak. In addition, I learned a long time ago as a beat reporter in Wyoming to serve the readers, not a party. But I respect the real leaders in both parties and the people who see them as the imperfect vehicles for political endeavor.

In this case, with the stakes of the ideals of our beloved nation clear to me, and deficiencies admittedly rampant on both sides as we painfully do less than fully strive to realize those ideals for everyone, I saw Vice President Harris as a strong choice for the White House. In her short time on the trail, she proved a worthy leader, prepared, hard-nosed, and hard-working, with a real sense of the law at the core of our brilliant system of government and an exacting prosecutorial toughness. I want to thank her for running, and for representing my generation with dignity, decency, and grace, a blessing, I think, within the ongoing blessing that it is to wake up in this world as an American. Vox Populi. Vox Dei.


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11 responses to “Thank You, Vice President Kamala Harris”

  1. Thank you Kamala ! The boys handed her an uphill battle. Too bad the country still does not value a strong and capable woman- when at first you don’t succeed – try try again!! This time we have no choice but to keep trying to make the world better!

  2. Thank you Vice President Harris for your heart felt efforts in this presidential race. Your campaign was without pause and reflected the strength that all Americans can be proud of. Thank you for your efforts.

  3. Thank you Kamala for all you did for our daughters and granddaughters and all of the people! I find your loss hard to believe!
    You are an incredible woman!

  4. Well said! Yes. Thank you Kamala for standing tall and showing our youth another way to be! She was bullied, attacked and denigrated but always took the high road. She was an exemplar of “statesmanship”” A great campaign in 107 days!

  5. We can’t thank you enough for having the courage to sound the trumpet for unity. Madam Vice President, you are a beacon of hope that democracy can prevail.

  6. Thank you so much for your efforts. I wish Americans were not so stuck in the past. Good luck in your future endeavors.

  7. History repeats itself. Females are second class citizens., and men will make all the decisions about their lives and bodies. Nothing stopped a man convicted as a criminal or responsible for the damage of the capital building and the injuries to the people defending the government from becoming the president. PLEASE., DON”T LET THIS BECOME THE FUTURE OF ALL WOMEN and mankind. Madam Vice President run for office again. Thank you.

  8. Thank you kamala for restoring my faith in America. I so admire you and hope I can and have touched lives like you,!! Please keep trying!

  9. Thank you VP Harris. (Kamala) for doing
    an amazingly perfect job, running for us for
    President of our country USA. Mostly,
    you showed my family which includes 67 grandchildren, how to live, talk caringly,
    and wi th great love. You did it all perfectly.
    Love You

  10. Thank you Kamala – you are an inspiration to us all! I have never been more proud of my vote – and never so devastated on the results. You made us so proud, gave us such hope – I hope this isn’t the last we see of you.

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