The Insulin Cap and The Kevin McCarthy Post-Mar-A-Lago Raid Smears of Merrick Garland - Two New Dilemmas for Tom Kean, Jr.

Throughout the New Jersey 7th District Congressional Campaign, every time there is a kerfuffle arising from a Trumpland or a GOP House of Representatives controversy, Republican candidate Tom Kean, Jr. had had a simple, somewhat defiant response:
“This won’t affect me.”
The latest example of this Kean, Jr. hubris was his comment after the massive turnout for the Kansas vote last week on abortion choice, which had a national impact:
Kean, Jr.’s comment: “This won’t affect me.”
Tonight, there are two new matters for which the Kean, Jr. canned response, “This won’t affect me”, will sound both offensive and pathetic.
The first was the Republican success in removing a proposed $35 per month cap on out-of-pocket spending on insulin for patients enrolled in private insurance. This was a profound act of cruelty and insensitivity by Republican Congressional leadership.
If Tom Kean, Jr. reassures his supporters and contributors with the words, “This won’t affect me,” he, too, will look heartless and insensitive. He will lose even the scintilla of the appearance of compassion.
The second matter is the invective launched by House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy against Attorney General Merrick Garland after the FBI raid last night on Trump’s Mar-A-Lago home. Specifically, he has threatened Garland with investigation, presumably including the remedy of impeachment.
Merrick Garland is a man of flawless character and integrity. Kevin McCarthy is a vile, despicable, hyper-partisan lowlife political hack and thug. If Tom Kean, Jr. supports McCarthy on his smears of Garland, he will lose even the minimal appearance of governmental integrity and ethics.
A Tom Kean, Jr. devoid of the ability to project compassion and integrity due to his loyalty to Kevin McCarthy is a losing Tom Kean, Jr. Yet tonight, slavish loyalty to Kevin McCarthy is the path that Kean, Jr has chosen.
No, Tom Kean, Jr., your devotion to Kevin McCarthy WILL affect you. It is the pathway to your defeat.
Alan J. Steinberg served as regional administrator of Region 2 EPA during the administration of former President George W. Bush and as executive director of the New Jersey Meadowlands Commission.
Your analysis assumes that voters are informed Perhaps an erroneous assumption