The Latest on MAGA in New Jersey

When Mike Crispi last made “news,” he was being criticized for an ill-advised posting about Gus Walz, the son of the Democratic vice presidential candidate.

That was last month.

Now, the co-chair of the America First Republicans of New Jersey, is moving ahead with a “Too Big To Rig” tour.

“If Republicans turn out in force to vote for President Trump – the greatest president of our lifetimes – the election will be outside the margin of cheating,” Crispi says. “New Jersey will go Republican for the first time since 1988!”

The point here revolves around a belief – still held by many Trump supporters – that the then-president actually won the 2020 election.

Irrational? Of course. But to use a trite saying, “It is what it is.”

So, how do you prevent Trump from being cheated again?

Easy. Just win by such an astounding margin that cheating won’t work.

That’s how the “Too Big To Rig” tour was born, the third installment of which took place last Sunday in Monmouth County.

“America First Republicans Storm Monmouth for Trump,” was how the group’s understated press release was headlined.

This was a pep rally, but it was also an education session.

Crispi said his team will work with volunteer poll workers to ensure their applications to their local Boards of Elections are honored and that volunteer challengers are properly credentialed by the county Republican organizations, or by candidates.

He acknowledged that many establishment Republicans in New Jersey are not committed to Trump.

So, it’s the job of America First activists to get supporters to vote by mail or early. That is a critical point. Republicans traditionally have lost the vote by mail battle with Democrats overwhelmingly. More power to Crispi’s group if they can get Republicans to vote by mail.

No matter how people vote, Trump carrying New Jersey seems quite unlikely. By any objective analysis, Trump would have had a better chance of an upset against Joe Biden than he does against Kamala Harris.

But Crispi has a plan

He wants to beat the Dems at their own game: Here’s how he puts it:

“Our message to the Fake News Media who sneak into our events without announcing themselves is very simple. If the Democrats are going to ballot harvest for 45 days, we’re going to ballot harvest for 45 days.”

Sneaking in?

Sounds dastardly.



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17 responses to “The Latest on MAGA in New Jersey”

  1. I was raised in a lower class democratic supporting household.we were always told “democrats are for minorities”. What a crock that was. I was always of the mindset that it’s the individual candidate that should be looked at not the party. I’m a Jersey guy and Trump is the way to go. He’s the light at the end of the tunnel. Come on NJ, we have to get Trump in. You don’t have to love the guy but he’s the answer that we’ve needed for the last 4 years. Vote Trump. The alternative is a disaster.

  2. There is no way on earth that NJ is handing this state over to Maga. Maga is a mental illness that want to exclusive different groups of people to implement their fascism and we is no room for fascism. We are not going back. You people pretend that Trump was hood for the country knowing it is the biggest liar ever told.

  3. MAGA is about an authoritarian philosophy that supports a leader whose dishonesty, personal psychosis and perpetual narcissism all will ultimately result in disaster for our country. Save for Communist China, worldwide political history has zero examples of countries succeeding for any lengthy period of time under this kind of rule and leadership.

  4. 1/3 of Democrats want President Trump dead, so they won’t have to deal with him during or after the election. Let’s remind the voting public that it’s Democrats who have assassinated Presidents and cause mass shootings. Every President who was assassinated were assassinated by Democrats. Lincoln was murdered by a Southern Democrat. Garfield was assassinated by a Democrat who was later diagnosed with neurosyphilis. McKinley was assassinated by a Socialist and anarchist. John F. Kennedy was assassinated by a Communist. Both assassins that missed Trump are registered Democrats who donated to the Democrat Party campaigns for President.
    Every mass shooter in the past 20 years has been a registered Democrat, Socialist, Environmental Socialist, Left-wing Anarchist or Communist.

  5. Of course both guys who made attempts at Trump were Republican registered. And the Southern Democrats of yesteryear are Republicans today. I don’t think it wise to lump all Republicans together voter/politicians but it sure seems like torturing the truth is a requirement for membership over there ….

  6. Thanks TonyNj for setting “Thomas Jefferson” straight.unfortunately, I don’t think that this version of Thomas Jefferson wants to be set straight. He’s happy to believe the lies that Trump spouts on a daily basis because he is no better than Trump.

  7. Posted by Mike Crispi on March 26,2024

    Liquidated my entire portfolio and put it into
    $DJT stock.
    You didn’t?
    Stay poor, liberals

    Someone commented:
    I believe the Yiddish word for a guy like that is SCHMUCK.

  8. Zero evidence that Trump‘s Big Lie Was true. Even his own attorney, general, FBI, Director, his own head of election security along with 60+ judges, found no evidence of any type of fraud that would’ve affected the outcome. AG Barr Sum it up when he said claims of fraud were bullshit

  9. WHY is it so hard for Mr. Snowflack and others to honestly asses and acknowledge the Track Records of these 2 People applying for the Job:

    4 Years Trump Admin Results
    Peace/Security in Ukraine/Russia – NO WAR
    Peace/Security in Middle East – NO WAR
    Prosperity/Econ-Expansion – NO INFLATION
    Secure Immigration – NO ILLEGAL INVASION

    4 Years Harris-Biden Results
    WAR in Ukraine/Russia
    WAR in Middle East
    INFLATION – stagnation
    Border Chaos / Invasion 15mm+ / Crime

    Who would you hire?

  10. Trump 2024! If Kamala becomes president, wave the USA goodbye. She can’t speak a straight sentence without a teleprompter, and never answers any question asked of her, rather uses word salad that is rubbish.

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