The Simple Key to the Political Career of Joe Pennacchio

FLORHAM PARK – Joe Pennacchio has been politically active for more than 30 years now.

In that time, he has been a candidate for Congress, for the U.S. Senate, a county freeholder and since 2001, a state legislator from the mostly Morris County 26th District.

All has not always been smooth.

Just last year, Pennacchio withstood a primary challenge to his Senate seat from Tom Mastrangelo, a county commissioner. As they often do, things got a bit crazy.

How crazy?

Well, at one point, Pennacchio was criticized for spending campaign money on meals – at McDonald’s. Really.

On Tuesday evening, however, Pennacchio was nowhere near a fastfood joint.

Instead, he hosted what he termed a very successful fundraiser at the Park Savoy, a posh banquet hall.

The senator spoke not so much about statewide politics, but about some of the people and families he’s been able to help over the years.

It was a nice touch.

More broadly, he talked about helping to get a new medical education facility constructed at County College of Morris.

As many in the crowd relocated to the back patio for cigars, Pennacchio was asked about his long career.

“It’s a very simple and trite answer,” he said. “I like helping people.”

Pennacchio, a retired dentist, added, “I don’t think I have 10,000 accomplishments, but I’m proud of the ones I have.”

The next Senate election is not until 2027 and you get the impression Pennacchio will be staying around.

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One response to “The Simple Key to the Political Career of Joe Pennacchio”

  1. I wonder if the new medical educational facility at the County College of Morris will be required by MAGA Joe to teach that hydrochloroquine should be used to treat Covid. Remember when MAGA Joe spouted that nonsense to curry favor with Trump at the expense of NJ residents Come on Joe. You can’t say it ain’t so

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