Where Things Stand in CD-3: Kim Up As They Head to Provisionals Count

They adjourned for the day but with all the vote by mail ballots now counted in CD-3, Democrat Andy Kim is up by 2,700 votes over incumbent U.S. Rep. Tom MacArthur (R-3).
Tomorrow, they presumably will wade into the 4-5,000 provisional ballots in Burlington; and another 2,500 in Ocean.
Democrats liked the trending in their direction late - considering Kim's overwhelming victory in the Burlington portion of the district.
Amy Rosenberg, staff writer at the Philadelphia Inquirer, tweeted the following:
NEW in #NJ03 from Jan Hefler at the Burlington County courthouse: Totals that include Vote by Mail ballots increased Andy Kim's total by nearly 15K and Tom MacArthur's total by 10K, which would appear to swing total current results to Kim's favor. More TK
Looks like Kim wins the Battle of the Carpetbaggers. Burlington doesn't deliver for the GOP like they used to. Let's face it, insurance execs and big pharma execs rank below used car salesmen and lawyers in the public's eye.